I want to create a grid like this with Telerik Blazor Grid:
Is it possible to do this using Multi Column Header function ?
here's my code :
strMonth = string.Empty;
iWeek = 0;
<GridColumn Field="@dtGrid.Columns[0].ColumnName" FieldType="@dtGrid.Columns[0].DefaultValue.GetType()" Width="150px"></GridColumn> //Member
<GridColumn Field="@dtGrid.Columns[1].ColumnName" FieldType="@dtGrid.Columns[1].DefaultValue.GetType()" Width="150px"></GridColumn> //Project
for (int colMonth = 2; colMonth <= dtGrid.Columns.Count - 1; colMonth++)
if (DateTime.TryParse(dtGrid.Columns[colMonth].ColumnName, out dt))
if (strMonth != dt.ToString("MMMM"))
strMonth = dt.ToString("MMMM");
<GridColumn Title="@strMonth" FieldType="@dtGrid.Columns[0].DefaultValue.GetType()">
iWeek = Helper.Common.GetWeekOfYear(dt);
for (int colWeek = colMonth; colWeek <= dtGrid.Columns.Count - 1; colWeek++)
if (DateTime.TryParse(dtGrid.Columns[colWeek].ColumnName, out dt))
if (strMonth != dt.ToString("MMMM"))
colMonth = colWeek;
if (iWeek != Helper.Common.GetWeekOfYear(dt))
colMonth = colWeek;
<GridColumn Title="@string.Format("Week {0}", iWeek)" FieldType="@dtGrid.Columns[0].DefaultValue.GetType()">
@for (int iDay = colWeek; iDay <= dtGrid.Columns.Count - 1; iDay++)
if (DateTime.TryParse(dtGrid.Columns[iDay].ColumnName, out dt))
if (iWeek != RR.BusinessLogicLayer.Helper.Common.GetWeekOfYear(dt))
colWeek = iDay;
<GridColumn Field="@dt.Day.ToString()" FieldType="@dtGrid.Columns[colWeek].DefaultValue.GetType()" Width="150px"></GridColumn>
Above code only can get me until Month Column, when i debug it iWeek only fires after all column rendered ? so , it can't create the Child Column of Months Column.
How can i fix it so it can show Multi Header of Months, Week and Day