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Drag and Drop PDF in Rad Editor

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Vignesh asked on 29 Oct 2014, 04:20 AM
I have seen Drag and Drop images in Rad Editor, it's looks good. Is there any controls like Drag and drop pdf pages into Rad Editor instead of images.

I want to open a pdf document with each pages in thumbnail view and drag and drop random pages to view the content.

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answered on 31 Oct 2014, 07:32 AM
Hello Vignesh,

I assume that the desired functionality should act something like a PDF viewer.

I do not see how the RadEditor might come in handy for such a scenario. PDF files can only be viewed in the the browser, but cannot be editable.

I can suggest examining this blog post, in which is demonstrated how you can use the PDF.js library and RadWindow to implement a PDF viewer.


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