Hi there,
I am using RadHtmlChart control to display the absenteeism of several production plants on a daily basis. To accomplish this I am using the line series and each plant has a line series <telerik:LineSeries> of its own.
I was able to do this part successfully. See Image 1.
Now each production plant has many departments and each department has many designations.
What I want to do is when I click on a particular plant (when I select a particular line) I should be able to get the department level details belonging to that particular plant I selected.
Same goes for the getting the designations of a selected department (within the plant I selected) when I drill down furthermore.
Have followed the example mentioned here : http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/htmlchart/examples/drilldownchart/defaultcs.aspx
This is for a column chart and it doesn't show me how I can identify the selected trend line.
string seriesName = RadHtmlChart1.PlotArea.Series[0].Name;
Instead of getting the name of the LineSeries at the 0th Index, I want the name of the selected LineSeries.
Please help.