Given the definition of a DateTimePicker component binded with a variable of type DateTime? (pic1.png)
Even though the placeholder is set to be empty, when the value is cleared, the placeholder still appears (pic2.png), and the field is marked as invalid even though no validation is configured (pic3.png).
For more details, I have attached an animated gif showing what happens (
Is there any way to don't show the placeholder and avoid the input to be mark as invalid?
<FormItem Field="@nameof(CronTriggerViewModel.EndAt)">
<label for="endat" class="k-label k-form-label">@L10n["UI-TRIGGERENDAT"]</label>
<div class="k-form-field-wrap">
<TelerikDateTimePicker @bind-Value="@CronTriggerVM.EndAt" Placeholder=" " Id="endat" Format="G"/></div>
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Resources.Scheduler), Name = "UI_TRIGGERENDAT")]
public DateTime? EndAt { get; set; } = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
For more details, I have attached an animated gif showing what happens (
Is there any way to don't show the placeholder and avoid the input to be mark as invalid?