I have a DatePicker bound to a non-nullable DateTime property.
If the user presses delete on a part of the date, that part is reset, and the error shown is "The date format is not parsable. Please enter valid date" rather than the validation message defined in the validator class.
It's then impossible to get rid of this message other than by typing in a valid date. Selecting with the actual picker does not work.
I have made a video to demonstrate: https://youtu.be/twCXE4jTTJs
<TelerikDatePicker Id="dpStartDate" @bind-Value="CurrentlyEditedItem.StartDate" Width="100%" Format="dd/MM/yyyy"></TelerikDatePicker>
public Validator()
RuleFor(x => x.SiteId).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Please select a site");
RuleFor(x => x.StartDate).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Please supply a start date");