I am using the exact example as shown here -http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/controls/grid/hierarchical-grid-types-and-load-modes/several-tables-at-a-level
I am using SeverOnDemand on Master and DetailTables.
Using below line in RadGrid1_DetailTableDataBind(), all the rows in the masterTable gets expanded on click of the Expand toggle button.
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.HierarchyDefaultExpanded = True
e.DetailTableView.HierarchyDefaultExpanded = True
How to make the row expand or collapse on toggle sever side?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
13 Answers, 1 is accepted
The following approach works properly for me:
sender, EventArgs e)
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.HierarchyDefaultExpanded =
// If you not used Advance data binding then again Bind // RadGrid1.DataSource = ""; RadGrid1.DataBind();
sender, EventArgs e)
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.HierarchyDefaultExpanded =
// If you not used Advance data binding then again Bind // RadGrid1.DataSource = ""; RadGrid1.DataBind();
Please check your code and see if any errors appear when this code is executed that might prevent the expand.
Maria Ilieva
Telerik by Progress
Hi Maria,
Thanks for the reply. I am able to expand - click on a single expand button expands all the rows, as I have the RadGrid1.MasterTableView.HierarchyDefaultExpanded = True
e.DetailTableView.HierarchyDefaultExpanded = True
in RadGrid1_DetailTableDataBind()
I want to expand a single selected row and collapse the same on clicking the toggle button.
Also, where should I call these funs - CollapseAllClick and ExpandAllClick
I also tried this demo on Grid - Hierarchy with Templates - http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/grid/examples/hierarchy/hierarchy-with-templates/defaultvb.aspx?show-source=true
I am facing the same problem again, I couldn't toggle expand or collapse (server side).
All i get is the expanded first row on load, as in RadGrid1_PreRender()
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.Items(0).Expanded = True
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.Items(0).ChildItem.FindControl("InnerContainer").Visible = True
End If
Okay, I found where I get hit.
This one is Grid - Hierarchy with tempaltes.
I am using filterCombos in the radgrid. Without filters, eveything works fine. But whenever I filter either the inbuilt filer or the filter combos, radgrid.rebind is called and then the toggle stops working. Any ideas ????
Protected Sub RadGrid1_PreRender(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.PreRender
Dim filterExp As String = RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression.ToString()
If filterExp <> "" Then
filterExp = Replace(filterExp.ToUpper, "[", "")
filterExp = Replace(filterExp, "]", "")
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.DataSource = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemCommand(sender As Object, e As GridCommandEventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.ItemCommand
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridCommandItem Then
If e.CommandName = "InitShowAll" Then
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression = String.Empty
For Each column As GridColumn In RadGrid1.MasterTableView.RenderColumns
If TypeOf column Is GridBoundColumn Then
Dim boundColumn As GridBoundColumn = TryCast(column, GridBoundColumn)
boundColumn.CurrentFilterValue = String.Empty
End If
End If
End If
If e.CommandName = RadGrid.ExpandCollapseCommandName AndAlso TypeOf e.Item Is GridDataItem Then
DirectCast(e.Item, GridDataItem).ChildItem.FindControl("InnerContainer").Visible = Not e.Item.Expanded
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemCreated(sender As Object, e As GridItemEventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.ItemCreated
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridNestedViewItem Then
e.Item.FindControl("InnerContainer").Visible = DirectCast(e.Item, GridNestedViewItem).ParentItem.Expanded
End If
End Sub
You can set the RetainExpandStateOnRebind property of the grid, it gets or sets a value indicating if the Expanded property of both hierarchy and group items will be retained after a call to Rebind() or Rebind() method.
Maria Ilieva
Telerik by Progress
Hi Maria,
I already have RetainExpandStateOnRebind="true" in the parent RadGrid and also in the Radpageview radGrids. But it is not working. I have attached the before and after filtering screen shots. You can see the toggle icon is shown as expanded but there is no grid visible. I even tried closing the row and expanding it again. Still nothing.
<MasterTableView CommandItemDisplay="Top" DataKeyNames="TASK_ID" CssClass="table" ClientDataKeyNames="TASK_ID, STATUS" TableLayout="Auto" HorizontalAlign="NotSet" AutoGenerateColumns="false" RetainExpandStateOnRebind="true" HierarchyLoadMode="ServerOnDemand" AllowFilteringByColumn="true" AllowMultiColumnSorting="True">
In Grid PreRender, I am calling the Rebind().
Protected Sub RadGrid1_PreRender(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.PreRender
Dim filterExp As String = RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression.ToString()
If filterExp <> "" Then
filterExp = Replace(filterExp.ToUpper, "[", "")
filterExp = Replace(filterExp, "]", "")
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.DataSource = Nothing
End If
End Sub
I have RadGrid1_NeedDataSource() for the main grid, and declarative binding for the nested radgrids. Where should rebind?
Protected Sub RadGrid1_ItemCreated(sender As Object, e As GridItemEventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.ItemCreated
'BELOW LINES: if comment these lines - filter works for outer grid and not for inner grid; if uncommented - filter works for inner and not for outer grid. What piece of code am I missing ?
If TypeOf e.Item Is GridNestedViewItem Then
e.Item.FindControl("InnerContainer").Visible = DirectCast(e.Item, GridNestedViewItem).ParentItem.Expanded
End If
End Sub
Looks like same issue that was discussed here but i couldn't find a solution yet -http://www.telerik.com/forums/nestedviewtemplate-and-filtering
The parent filter works. I removed the Parent RadGrid1_ItemCreated() and I updated the Parent Prerender, but I couldn't perform expand/filter/sort in the inner grid after filtering the Parent grid.
Protected Sub RadGrid1_PreRender(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadGrid1.PreRender
Dim filterExp As String = RadGrid1.MasterTableView.FilterExpression.ToString()
If filterExp <> "" Then
filterExp = Replace(filterExp.ToUpper, "[", "")
filterExp = Replace(filterExp, "]", "")
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.DataSource = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub LoopHierarchyRecursive(ByVal gridTableView As GridTableView)
For Each nestedViewItem As GridNestedViewItem In gridTableView.GetItems(GridItemType.NestedView)
nestedViewItem.FindControl("InnerContainer").Visible = DirectCast(nestedViewItem, GridNestedViewItem).ParentItem.Expanded
If nestedViewItem.NestedTableViews.Length > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
This is so frustrating.
It would be really helpful if i can get a sample code for Grid - Hierarchy with Templates , with filters in both outer and inner grids.
You should not call Rebind() or setting DataSource to Nothing in the PreRender event as this is causing recreating all grid items, which is returning them to their initial state. In this case all items are collapsed.
Maria Ilieva
Telerik by Progress
That worked(for now). Thanks Maria.
I'm glad that the provided solution works for you. Do not hesitate to contact us in case further assistance is needed.
Maria Ilieva
Telerik by Progress