We have created a Page Wizard inside the RadEditor that is activated by a custom button. It calls a custom dialog window with the following:
//Page Wizard
Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.CommandList["PageWizard"] = function(commandName, editor, args)
var myCallbackFunction = function(sender, args)
//Paste result from the wizard into the editor's content area
'Page Wizard',
Telerik.Web.UI.WindowBehaviors.Close + Telerik.Web.UI.WindowBehaviors.Move,
The wizard is a standard asp.net control that gathers information from the user, for example (the ... is there for brevity):
<asp:Wizard runat="server">
<asp:WizardStep title="Enter Page Title" runat="server">...</asp:WizardStep>
<asp:WizardStep title="Enter Description" runat="server">...</asp:WizardStep>
<asp:WizardStep title="Enter Keywords" runat="server">...</asp:WizardStep>
<asp:WizardStep title="Select a Background Color or Select a Background Repeat Image" runat="server">...</asp:WizardStep>
<asp:WizardStep title="Select a Page Layout" runat="server">...</asp:WizardStep> // these are external CSS files
<asp:WizardStep title="Select a Pre-Made Banner Image" runat="server">...</asp:WizardStep>
<asp:WizardStep title="Complete" runat="server">...</asp:WizardStep>
The Page Wizard above collects this information and is available upon the Complete stage. The problem lies in the fact that we cannot insert the above into the editors content area by means of the myCallBackFunction above i.e.
var myCallbackFunction = function(sender, args)
//Paste result from the wizard into the editor's content area
Can someone shed some light on this please as we are at a stand still. Even an example of how to find the <title> tag and insert the inputted title from the wizard and/or insert into the <body> tag a background color or image property.
Much appreciated for any input from anyone, thanks.