In your sample you make a trip to the database to fetch the Classes. Then you make another trip to get the resources. Then you make another trip to align the resources and classes.
I use a stored procedure that when I fetch my appointments ( your classes) I also have the resource ID for each appointment in said dataset. I call LoadResources like the sample.
What I am having a problem with is how to align my 2 datasets using
//Resource site = apt.Owner.Resources.GetResource("Site", ????);
Here is my code if anybody can help I could move n with my 2 day hang up.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadScheduler1.GroupBy = "Site";
Provived Code
public override IEnumerable<Appointment> GetAppointments(RadScheduler owner)
List<Appointment> appointments = new List<Appointment>();
//Code removed for security, This is how I get my dataset
DB.m_da = das;
DataSet ds = new DataSet("Patients");
DB.m_da.SetRead("[pWebApptsDay]", 0);
SqlParameter pday = new SqlParameter("@day", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar);
pday.Value = DateTime.Today;
DateTime dt = DateTime.Today;
DB.m_da.Run(ref ds);
System.Data.DataRow[] rows = ds.Tables[0].Select(null, null, System.Data.DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
foreach (DataRow row in rows)
Appointment apt = new Appointment();
apt.Owner = owner;
DateTime st = new DateTime();
DateTime et = new DateTime();
st = (DateTime)(row.ItemArray.GetValue(2));
et = st.AddMinutes((int)row.ItemArray.GetValue(3));
System.Drawing.Color color = ColorTranslator.FromWin32((int)row.ItemArray.GetValue(4));
//trap for bad data IE Nulls
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.ItemArray.GetValue(5).ToString()))
apt.Subject = "Bad Appointment Data Contact Tims Support Appointment id =" + row.ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString();
apt.ID = row.ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString();
apt.Subject = (String)row.ItemArray.GetValue(5);
apt.Start = Convert.ToDateTime(((DateTime)row.ItemArray.GetValue(2)).ToShortDateString() +
" " + ((DateTime)row.ItemArray.GetValue(2)).ToShortTimeString());
apt.End = (apt.Start.AddMinutes((int)row.ItemArray.GetValue(3)));
apt.BorderColor = color;
//Resource site = apt.Owner.Resources.GetResource("Site", ????);
return appointments;
public override void Insert(RadScheduler owner, Appointment appointmentToInsert)
public override void Update(RadScheduler owner, Appointment appointmentToUpdate)
public override void Delete(RadScheduler owner, Appointment appointmentToDelete)
public override IEnumerable<ResourceType> GetResourceTypes(RadScheduler owner)
ResourceType[] resourceTypes = new ResourceType[3];
resourceTypes[0] = new ResourceType("Site", true);
resourceTypes[1] = new ResourceType("Provider", true);
resourceTypes[2] = new ResourceType("Resource", true);
return resourceTypes;
public override IEnumerable<Resource> GetResourcesByType(RadScheduler owner, string resourceType)
switch (resourceType)
case "Site":
return GetSite();
case "Provider":
return GetProvider();
case "Resource":
return GetResource();
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown resource type: " + resourceType);
private IEnumerable<Resource> GetSite()
List<Resource> resources = new List<Resource>();
//Code removed for security, This is how I get my dataset
DB.m_da = das;
DataSet ds = new DataSet("Resources");
DB.m_da.SetRead("[pWebApptResourceFetch]", 0);
SqlParameter type = new SqlParameter("@ResourceType", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar);
type.Value = "Site";
DB.m_da.Run(ref ds);
System.Data.DataRow[] rows = ds.Tables[0].Select(null, null, System.Data.DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
foreach (DataRow row in rows)
Resource res = new Resource();
res.Type = "Site";
res.Key = row.ItemArray.GetValue(0).ToString();
res.Text = row.ItemArray.GetValue(1).ToString(); ;
//res.Attributes["Phone"] = Convert.ToString(reader["Phone"]);
return resources;
Thanks for any help :)