Dear Telerik Forum:
I began testing your product for possible purchase yesterday. I hope to use Css with your controls. As of yet, I have not been able to get any of these three RadButton properties working: CssClass, HoveredCssClasss, and PressCssClass.
I reviewed all 21 RadButton demos you include within Telerik’s Live Demo’s. I looked at the Properties of every single RadButton on all 21 of those pages; hundreds of examples. Surprisingly I found that there is not a single example on any of these pages where Telerik used any of these three properties - CssClass, HoveredCssClasss, and PressCssClass - for anything. Not even once were any of them used.
I decided to write you at the Forum, because I would think that other “Newbies” would benefit seeing the experience of one like themselves without any experience with your product upon which to draw from. Obviously, I am doing something wrong, and amhoping you can correct my code:
I began with RadButton because I think this would likely be your simplest control. Here are the steps I took to add it to my test page, “TelerikButtonTest.aspx”. First, within my test ASP.Net website that does have MasterPages, I created a new page, “TelerikButtonTest.aspx”. I attempted to then drag and drop a Telerik RadButton to this otherwise blank page. Your Telerik system then complained that I should first drag and drop a RadScriptManager onto the page first. I complied. However, I wonder why there should have to be a RadScriptManager on this page, when I had already added a RadScriptManager to the sites MasterPage. Since the MasterPage is treated by VS as part of webpages include it, why couldn’t Telerik system use the RadScriptManager already available for its use. Does this mean that a RadScriptManager has to be copied to every single webpage and component in the website that uses Telerik controls? Why?
I then create a new “.Css” page, “TestSyleSheet.css”, and added three classes to it as follows:
background-color: Yellow;
background-color: Orange;
background-color: Red;
Returning to the “TelerikButtonTest.aspx” page, I then added these three classes – “RadButtonDefault”, “RadButtonHover”, and “PressCssClick” – to their waiting properties as follows:
<telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton1" runat="server" CssClass="RadButtonDefault" ResolvedRenderMode="Classic" Text="RadButton"
HoveredCssClass="RadButtonHover" onclick="RadButton1_Click" PressedCssClass="PressCssClick"></telerik:RadButton>
I then right clicked on the Designer for this TelerikButtonTest.aspx page and selected “View in Browser”. I had hoped that when the page displayed in the browser, that I would see “Yellow” as the background for the RadButton. I did not see that, but instead only the gray of a the RadControl bear. I ran my mouse over the top of the running RadButton control, expecting then to see the control in Orange. No Orange was seen, but the RadControl remained gray. Lastly, I clicked the running RadButton control expecting to see Red now covering the button. Again I was disappointed because for the third time the control remained gray. As trivial as this test was, I must be doing something wrong. Please advise what is wrong with this code.
I am attaching the source as I described here. Please advise what is wrong, and how then to get these three properties working. I've tried to phrase my question as simply as possible. Please advise what is wrong within my code.
Your attention to this matter is appreciated.
Pastor Burt