I have a radgrid with 3 levels i want to assign 3 different colors for different levels of grid and on click of the row there should not be any change to the selected row color. i could do it for mastertable and 2nd level detail table but the same color is being assinged to the 3rd level row selection. Please find below the attached file in which blue color is the 2nd level and 3rd level is the white color.
As both the detail grids are using .rgDetailTable .rgSelectedRow classes both are sharing common properties. How can i differentiate different Detail grids with .rgselectedrow class
below is the small code that i did to achieve the first two levels of the grid.
.rgMasterTable .rgSelectedRow {
background: #c8e8a8 !important;
color:black !important;
.rgDetailTable .rgSelectedRow {
background:lightblue !important;
color:black !important;
how to achieve white background color if 3rd level grid row is selected. Thanks
As both the detail grids are using .rgDetailTable .rgSelectedRow classes both are sharing common properties. How can i differentiate different Detail grids with .rgselectedrow class
below is the small code that i did to achieve the first two levels of the grid.
.rgMasterTable .rgSelectedRow {
background: #c8e8a8 !important;
color:black !important;
.rgDetailTable .rgSelectedRow {
background:lightblue !important;
color:black !important;
how to achieve white background color if 3rd level grid row is selected. Thanks