I want to build an ajax control extender which targets a radComboBox. When the combobox is changed, it reads the new value and then pass it to a web service to obtain a depended value from database. Then the depended value will be put in another control, say a textbox.
The problem I encountered is that the target control inside my extender .js code lose the client api of the radcombobox. For example, calling get_value() gives me error of unsupported method. Is it possible to know the index of a radcombobox inside the array Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.ComboBoxes?
Your advice is much appreciated.
The problem I encountered is that the target control inside my extender .js code lose the client api of the radcombobox. For example, calling get_value() gives me error of unsupported method. Is it possible to know the index of a radcombobox inside the array Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.ComboBoxes?
Your advice is much appreciated.