Hi there;
I’m tryring to create a radGrid with data from database
What I want to do that I already convert some rows to columns in the database query:
NVL(MAX(DECODE (Z.ZONE , 'A', Z.n )),0) A,
NVL(MAX(DECODE ( Z.ZONE , 'B', Z.n )),0)B,
NVL(MAX(DECODE ( Z.ZONE , 'M', Z.n )),0) M
FROM ………………
And I need to publish this data in a radgrid
What is the problem?
That this columns actually change over time, so I can’t keep them static
My idea is to loop through this values(A,B,M,….) in c# code-behind and convert them to columns in a command string ? Is it possible to do so?