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Controlling a multipage using a combobox

4 Answers 122 Views
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Mark P
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Mark P asked on 09 Apr 2010, 03:30 AM
Hi there,

I'm trying to control a multipage control using a combobox.  I have added a tabstrip and set the multipageId and I can use the tabs to view each of the pageviews.  I'm using the following code in the combobox's OnClientSelectedIndexChanged event handler.

function OnClientSelectedIndexChanged(sender, eventArgs) { 
      var item = eventArgs.get_item(); 
      var multiPage = $find("<%=RadMultiPageQuickDD.ClientID %>"); 

For some reason the pageview count is 0.  But I can switch between the pageviews using the tabs.

Below is the code in my ascx file:
<asp:Panel ID="pnlProductType" runat="server" Visible="false" CssClass=""
        <asp:Label ID="lblProductType" runat="server" Text="Product Type" AssociatedControlID="ddlProductType"></asp:Label> 
        <telerik:RadComboBox ID="ddlProductType" Runat="server" OnClientSelectedIndexChanged="OnClientSelectedIndexChanged"></telerik:RadComboBox> 
      <telerik:RadTabStrip ID="RadTabStripQuickDD" runat="server" Skin="Default" MultiPageID="RadMultiPageQuickDD"
      <telerik:RadMultiPage ID="RadMultiPageQuickDD" runat="server" CssClass="pageView" OnPageViewCreated="RadMultiPageQuick_PageViewCreated"

I'm creating the tabs, pageviews, and combobox items at runtime on the server.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Telerik team
answered on 09 Apr 2010, 12:14 PM
Hi Mark,

I guess that you execute the javascript code before the pageviews are added to the multipage. Please send us the code-behind as well.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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Mark P
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answered on 12 Apr 2010, 01:33 AM
Hi Yana,

Thanks for your help.

Here are some snippets of code:

Page Load:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { 
  var strProductTypes = DotNetNukeUtils.GetModuleSetting("ProductTypes"this); 
  phQuickSearchDropDown.Visible = true
  pnlProductType.Visible = true
  if (!Page.IsPostBack) { 
    RadTabStripQuickDD.Visible = true
    pnlProductType.CssClass = "pnlProductType Layout_" + _searchMode.ToString() + _layout.ToString(); 
    GenerateTabs(strProductTypes, RadTabStripQuickDD, RadMultiPageQuickDD); 


private void GenerateTabs(string tabData, RadTabStrip tabStrip, RadMultiPage multiPage) { 
      char[] arrSplit = { '|' }; 
      var tabCodes = tabData.Split(arrSplit); 
      for (var index = 0; index <= tabCodes.GetUpperBound(0); index++) { 
        //Add the tab. 
        AddTab(tabCodes[index], tabStrip, multiPage); 
      tabStrip.SelectedIndex = 0; 
      multiPage.SelectedIndex = 0; 
private void AddTab(string tabCode, RadTabStrip tabStrip, RadMultiPage multiPage) { 
      RadTab tab = new RadTab(); 
      //Get the tab name 
      var strTabName = XPLProxyHelper.GetProductTypeName(tabCode); 
      tab.Text = strTabName; 
      tab.Value = tabCode; 
      RadPageView pageView = new RadPageView(); 
      pageView.ID = "obj" + multiPage.ID + tab.Value; 
      //Add to the dropdown 
      ddlProductType.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(strTabName, tabCode)); 

protected void RadMultiPageQuick_PageViewCreated(object sender, RadMultiPageEventArgs e) { 
      _searchMode = (SearchMode)DotNetNukeUtils.GetViewState(ViewState, "SearchMode"); 
      _layout = (LayoutType)DotNetNukeUtils.GetViewState(ViewState, "LayoutType"); 
      //The form to load (ascx file). 
      _strControlName = _searchMode.ToString() + _layout.ToString() + "Form.ascx"
      //string userControlName = this.ModulePath + "/Controls/ProductSearchFormHandler.ascx"; 
      string userControlName = this.ControlPath + "/Controls/FormTemplates/" + _strControlName; 
      var userControl = (ProductSearchForm)Page.LoadControl(userControlName); 
      userControl.SearchMode = _searchMode; 
      userControl.LayoutType = _layout; 
      userControl.ID = e.PageView.ID + "_userControl"
      userControl.FormType = e.PageView.ID.Replace("obj" + ((RadMultiPage)sender).ID, ""); //tab.Value; 
      //userControl.Date1SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; 
      //userControl.Date2SelectedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); 
      //userControl.DateTimeFormat = "dd MMM yyyy @ h:mm tt"; 
      userControl.EnableViewState = true
      userControl.PortalId = this.PortalId; 
      userControl.Settings = this.Settings; 
      userControl.ModulePath = this.ControlPath; 
      userControl.Visible = true
      userControl.ModuleId = this.ModuleId; 

Telerik team
answered on 15 Apr 2010, 08:41 AM
Hello Mark P,

I've tested this code and it worked without a problem, please check the attached simple project.

the Telerik team

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Mark P
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answered on 19 Apr 2010, 01:41 AM
Hi Yana,

Thank you for all your help. I ended up getting it work (with the help of your example),  I ended up moving the javascript declaration (using Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock) and that fixed the issue.


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Mark P
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Telerik team
Mark P
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