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Control Access to a Resource

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Jacqui asked on 20 Nov 2014, 03:30 AM
I have a RadScheduler that displays multiple resources on a single view (DayView). Is there a way to control the ability to add/edit/delete appointments within a single resource independent of the other resources? I have security that I want to apply and I cannot figure out how to do it. Something like a Readonly at the Resources level or AllowInsert at that level.

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Boyan Dimitrov
Telerik team
answered on 24 Nov 2014, 12:14 PM

As far as I understand you want to execute some custom logic ( or prevent the appointment insert for example) based on the selected resources for a specific appointment. In the code snippet below you can see how to retrieve the appointment resource values. Once you have access to those values you can add an attribute to the appointment for example  or execute some other custom logic or prevent the insert command.
//code behind
protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentInsert(object sender, AppointmentInsertEventArgs e)
        ResourceCollection resources = e.Appointment.Resources;
        //here goes the logic based on the resource values

If you want to modify the controls within the advanced form before the advanced form is shown to the user you can review the following help article. You are able to do that on the client-side as well as shown here.

Boyan Dimitrov

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Boyan Dimitrov
Telerik team
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