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Column widths are too large -- causes horizontal scrolling

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Mike Causi
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Mike Causi asked on 05 Aug 2010, 09:35 PM
The grid I have has a number of columns in it.  However, they should all fit into my screen without any necessary scrolling.  Sometimes it seems that it just gives "too much width" to each column when it doesn't need to.

Is there a way to have the grid columns minimize the widths so as to avoid any sort of horizontal scrolling when there doesn't need to be any?

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Telerik team
answered on 10 Aug 2010, 08:15 AM
Hi Mike,

To restrict the horizontal bar from being rendered, verify that:
  • the width for the MasterTableView is set to 99% if auto-generated columns are used
  • the total width of the declaratively set columns is smaller than the width of the grid itself

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Mike Causi
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