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ColorPicker inside a RadToolTip

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SeRiAlKiL asked on 30 Sep 2008, 07:37 AM

I am trying to add a color picker to a radtooltip, i whould like to add a customizable background to an element in to the page

The idea is to mouseover a link that shows the tooltip with manualclose=true, and to edit the background color from a picker inside the tooltip

I followed an example loading a custom ascx during the ajax bind of the tooltip, but i am having some problems with the colorpicker, similar to the date problem i have reported in the grid section

If i simply add the picker in the ascx, when the tooltip is shown a javascript error is fired and the control does not work

If i add an hidden picker in the page, outside the tooltip, the picker inside the tooltip have a strange behaviour: sometimes it work but the selected color box is smaller, and sometimes the palette appear in the bottom of the page, and not under the picker

I guess is a javascript onload related problem, but there is a way to fix this problem?



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Telerik team
answered on 02 Oct 2008, 08:39 AM
Hi SeRiAlKiL,
I created a simple test page, based on the information you have provided with your question, but could not reproduce the js error you mention - please find my test page attached. Could you please prepare and send us a simple running project, demonstrating it?

Regarding the wrong size of the selected color - we are aware of this problem and we will fix it for the next update of the suite.

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the Telerik team

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