I was trying to use the client side script for image gallery set to work as light, I have couple of queries.
1. I have added a client script for OnImageLoaded, the script is not getting executed when the light box load the image on user click on the thumbnail.
<telerik:RadImageGallery ID="RadImageGallery1" runat="server" AllowPaging="true"
DisplayAreaMode="LightBox" ImagesFolderPath="~\Images"
Skin="Glow" >
OnImageLoaded="imageLoaded" />
function imageLoaded(sender, args) {
// var imageItem = args.get_item(); }
2. Can we add controls to the light box inside the image gallery similar to the AsyncUpload and get the value in the back end using GetFieldValue.
Thank you.
I was trying to use the client side script for image gallery set to work as light, I have couple of queries.
1. I have added a client script for OnImageLoaded, the script is not getting executed when the light box load the image on user click on the thumbnail.
<telerik:RadImageGallery ID="RadImageGallery1" runat="server" AllowPaging="true"
DisplayAreaMode="LightBox" ImagesFolderPath="~\Images"
Skin="Glow" >
OnImageLoaded="imageLoaded" />
function imageLoaded(sender, args) {
// var imageItem = args.get_item(); }
2. Can we add controls to the light box inside the image gallery similar to the AsyncUpload and get the value in the back end using GetFieldValue.
Thank you.