I have a bool property binded in two way to a dialog checkbox.
if i change the check value, the variabile inside the dialog in binded correctly, but the variable binded in the main component in not updated.
Check this sample, if i set the check and close the dialog, the parent compoent variable is not updated.
how to solve?
@if (IsDialogVisible)
<CheckDialog @bind-CheckValue="CheckValue" OnClose="() => IsDialogVisible = false" />
<p>CheckValue is @CheckValue</p>
@code {
private bool IsDialogVisible {get;set;} = true;
private bool CheckValue {get;set;}
<TelerikDialog @ref="Dialog" Visible="true" ShowCloseButton="false">
<TelerikCheckBox @bind-Value="CheckValue" OnChange="() => Dialog.Refresh()" />
Check test
<TelerikButton OnClick="() => OnClose.InvokeAsync()">Close</TelerikButton>
@code {
private TelerikDialog Dialog {get;set;}
public bool CheckValue {get;set;}
public EventCallback<bool> CheckValueChanged {get;set;}
public EventCallback OnClose {get;set;}