Hi, I am getting nowhere with the following - all I want to do is change the image for the calendar and time picker buttons.
<telerik:RadDateTimePicker RenderMode="Auto" ID="dttiStartDate" Width="70%" runat="server" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" DateInput-DateFormat="MMM dd yyyy HH:mm" DateInput-DisplayDateFormat="MMM dd yyyy HH:mm" DateInput-CssClass="Normal">
<TimePopupButton Visible="true" ImageUrl="~/images/png/a.png" HoverImageUrl="~/images/png/b.png" />
<DatePopupButton Visible="true" ImageUrl="~/images/png/b.png" HoverImageUrl="~/images/png/b.png" />
<TimeView runat="server" Skin="Default" CssClass="Normal" ShowHeader="False" StartTime="00:00:00" Interval="01:00:00" EndTime="23:59:00" Columns="2" TimeFormat="HH:mm"></TimeView>
What happens is the date button changes but he time button disappears. In Chrome "elemen inspection" it appears to be underneath the calendar buttonand not visible.
I dont (and dont want to) use any script manager stuff - I just want to change the buttons to 2 of my own.
Is this possible.
This is UI for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2016.
Many thanks.