On the other hand, we plan to introduce a more flexible Dialog component, which will feature fully customizable rich content. Then you will be able to change the button text more easily. The preliminary timeframe is early 2022.
This is the current (decompiled) API for your Confirm dialog component:
// // Summary: // Opens a confirm dialog. // // Parameters: // text: // The text of the dialog. // // title: // The title of the dialog. // // Returns: // Whether the use confirms or not. public Task<bool> ConfirmAsync(string text, string title) { return _dialogBuilder?.Confirm(text, title); }
Why do I need to create a custom prompt component when all you need to do is to make the ConfirmAsync(string text, string title, string okButtonText, string cancelButtonText) method public?
Telerik team
commented on 13 Feb 2023, 03:04 PM
@Gerard - The original idea of the predefined Dialogs was to resemble the default browser dialogs. This translated to simple API and a small number of customization options.