I am coming up to speed on using Blazor with little other web experience, so the answer probably a gap in my knowledge that is right in front of me and I can't see it... that being said:
I have a fairly standard DataGrid (included below), and it has been requested that the GridCheckBoxColumn have the checkbox centered.
For other items requiring some kind of formatting, I would just template the column with a <div> and handle things. However, I could not find anything on how to manipulate the GridCheckBoxColumn other than the OnCellRender event. I have been able to verify I am receiving the event by changing the background color, but I have not found anything that will center the checkbox
<TelerikGrid Data=@lstGridData SelectionMode="GridSelectionMode.Single" Pageable="true" SelectedItemsChanged="@((IEnumerable<CEnterprise> enterprises) => OnSelect(enterprises))" Width="100%" PageSize="12">
<GridToolBar> <TelerikButton OnClick="@( () => EnterpriseEdit(null) )" Icon="add">Add new Enterprise</TelerikButton> </GridToolBar>
<GridCheckboxColumn SelectAll="false" Title="Select" OnCellRender="@( (e) => MakeItCentered(e) )" />
<GridColumn Field="EnterpriseName" Title="Name" />
<GridColumn Field="DisplayLocation" Title="Location" />
<GridColumn Field="ContactName1" Title="Contact" />
<GridColumn Field="ContactName2" Title="Contact 2" />
<GridCommandColumn Title="Edit" Width="8%" Context="ctxAuthorizeViewRender">
<GridCommandButton OnClick="@((args) => EnterpriseEdit(args.Item as CEnterprise))" Icon="edit">Edit</GridCommandButton>
void MakeItCentered(GridCellRenderEventArgs args){
args.Class = "tiddleywinks";