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Cannot EDIT node in Chrome when enabled CheckBoxes property

9 Answers 75 Views
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Marut asked on 08 May 2014, 06:40 AM
Hi All , 

I have just found one problem with RadTreeView and I'm not sure that there will be workaround for this or not.

I tested it in all main browsers with BOTH Mac and PC .  I found that in Chrome , tree node will never go to edit mode when you click on it second time if you have checkbox in front of them .

here is my code example .

Please give me some advice how to fix this issue.  Thank you you guys in advance. 
<telerik:RadTreeView ID="RadTreeView2" Runat="server" CheckBoxes="true" AllowNodeEditing="True" >
                <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Root RadTreeNode1">
                <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Root RadTreeNode2">
                <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Root RadTreeNode3">
                <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Root RadTreeNode4">
                        <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Child RadTreeNode 1">
                        <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Child RadTreeNode 2">
                        <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Child RadTreeNode 3">
                <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Root RadTreeNode5">
                <telerik:RadTreeNode runat="server" Text="Root RadTreeNode6">

9 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Hristo Valyavicharski
Telerik team
answered on 12 May 2014, 03:19 PM
Hi Marut,

What version of Telerik controls do you have? Do you get any java script errors.

Hristo Valyavicharski

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

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answered on 14 May 2014, 02:33 AM
Hi Hristo Valyavicharski, 

We use 2014.1.225.40 version for our project. 

Also we don't get any error at all. 

Do you have any clue?

Hristo Valyavicharski
Telerik team
answered on 14 May 2014, 11:18 AM
Hi Marut,

The described behavior is bug in this version. It has been resolved in 2014Q1 SP1 (2014.1.403). In order to resolve the problem you will have to upgrade to this version or newer.

Hristo Valyavicharski

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

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answered on 15 May 2014, 08:07 AM
Thanks a million Hristo Valyavicharski' !!!
Tonie Venter
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answered on 20 May 2014, 05:04 AM
[quote]Hristo Valyavicharski said:Hi Marut,

The described behavior is bug in this version. It has been resolved in 2014Q1 SP1 (2014.1.403). In order to resolve the problem you will have to upgrade to this version or newer.

Hristo Valyavicharski

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.


Just upgraded to the latest version, however now the radmenu seems to be broken, when there are icons shown in the dropdown menus, they are all cut off or outside the menu after the upgrade. Is this a known issue? Reverted back to the previous version and the menu is displayed correctly.
Tonie Venter
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answered on 20 May 2014, 09:45 PM
Bit more information on the issue with the menu styling - we have a custom skin for the menus. When changing it to a built-in Telerik skin it looks fine. There seems to be an incompatibility in the latest update with the custom skin we have done previously. It completely messes up the menu styling when using a custom skin. Will try to redo the custom style using the new update to see if that makes any difference.
Telerik team
answered on 22 May 2014, 09:12 AM

Hi Tonie,

Thank you for getting back to us.

Could you please provide us with one of the following:
    - a runnable project where we can reproduce the issue with the icons
    - or all custom CSS that you are applying to the RadMenu and the icons that you are using in it

We could help you in more efficient way if we are able to reproduce the issue.

Looking forward to your reply.

Regards,  Magdalena

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

Tonie Venter
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answered on 26 May 2014, 01:45 AM
HI Magdalena,
Thanks for your reply. I have removed the custom skins and now just use the standard menu skins so it is not so important to get it corrected. 
I have seen however that in Firefox the menu icons even with the standard skins were displayed to the right outside the menu area. The cause of this seems to be due to the fact that the menu was contained in a div where the text-align was set to right align, when removing this the menu icons now display correctly in Firefox.

It seems to be OK with the standard skins we will not be using the custom skin anymore.


Telerik team
answered on 27 May 2014, 11:41 AM
Hello Tonie,

If you need some custom skin, you can use it. But if it overwrite our inbuilt styles it is necessary overwrite it again with the styles that will return the primal layout. For example if the rule text-align: right brokes the RadMenu layout, you can add a new rule with stronger selector to overwrite it
.RadMenu {
  text-align: left;


Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

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Hristo Valyavicharski
Telerik team
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Tonie Venter
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Telerik team
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