I an issue where I cannot change the font text colour to white.
I test out with IE 7 & Firefox 3.
I also get the same result when using Telerik's default example:
Can someone verify this potential bug?
I an issue where I cannot change the font text colour to white.
I test out with IE 7 & Firefox 3.
I also get the same result when using Telerik's default example:
Can someone verify this potential bug?
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Eddy,
Please, review the following help article on the subject: Setting Editor Background And Color.
If you experience any further problems, open a support ticket and send me a sample working project along with screenshots of the problem. I will examine it and provide a solution.
the Telerik team
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Please, review the following help article on the subject: Setting Editor Background And Color.
If you experience any further problems, open a support ticket and send me a sample working project along with screenshots of the problem. I will examine it and provide a solution.
the Telerik team
Instantly find answers to your questions at the new Telerik Support Center
Andreas Høyer
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Rank 1
answered on 17 Jul 2008, 01:36 PM
I have somewhat the same problem, I have no problem in setting the default text color but if I write something I can't change the the text color from the color dropdown to white I have no problem to change the text into any other color just not white. Please see the screenshots
Best regards
I have somewhat the same problem, I have no problem in setting the default text color but if I write something I can't change the the text color from the color dropdown to white I have no problem to change the text into any other color just not white. Please see the screenshots
Best regards
Hi Andreas,
I suggest setting the white color manually with <telerik:EditorColor Title="White" Value="White" />, because it is not listed by default in the editor's Fore and Back color-pickers. The first font color item is not White but "Clear Color" item (this feature does not work in Firefox).
If you want to include the White color you should add it manually through the Colors collection of RadEditor or through the <telerik:EditorColor tags, e.g.
<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server">
<telerik:EditorColor Title="White" Value="White" />
<telerik:EditorColor Title="Black" Value="Black" />
<telerik:EditorColor Title="White" Value="Red" />
Best regards,
the Telerik team
Instantly find answers to your questions at the new Telerik Support Center
I suggest setting the white color manually with <telerik:EditorColor Title="White" Value="White" />, because it is not listed by default in the editor's Fore and Back color-pickers. The first font color item is not White but "Clear Color" item (this feature does not work in Firefox).
If you want to include the White color you should add it manually through the Colors collection of RadEditor or through the <telerik:EditorColor tags, e.g.
<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server">
<telerik:EditorColor Title="White" Value="White" />
<telerik:EditorColor Title="Black" Value="Black" />
<telerik:EditorColor Title="White" Value="Red" />
Best regards,
the Telerik team
Instantly find answers to your questions at the new Telerik Support Center
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Rank 1
answered on 27 Aug 2008, 07:31 AM
Im having the same problem... im trying to change the code on server side.. there two properties that im looking it now... theres the "Colors.Add" and the "Colors.Insert" ... the Colors.Add is easy beacuse you just have to manually add the colors.. But i want to use the insert since i am just going insert the color white...
Im having the same problem... im trying to change the code on server side.. there two properties that im looking it now... theres the "Colors.Add" and the "Colors.Insert" ... the Colors.Add is easy beacuse you just have to manually add the colors.. But i want to use the insert since i am just going insert the color white...
Hi Rex,
By default, the forecolor and backcolor color pallet is populated on the client because the colors are rarely changed. That is why when you add new color to the color pallet on the server it is reset and you should add again all colors.
Here is an example how to populate the color pallet on the client:
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnClientLoad(editor, args)
var args = ["red","green","blue","#ffcccc","#ffcc99","#ffff99","#ffffcc","#99ff99","#99ffff","#ccffff","#ccccff","#ffccff","#cccccc","#ff6666","#ff9966","#ffff66","#ffff33","#66ff99","#33ffff","#66ffff","#9999ff","#ff99ff","#c0c0c0","#ff0000","#ff9900","#ffcc66","#ffff00","#33ff33","#66cccc","#33ccff","#6666cc","#cc66cc","#999999","#cc0000","#FF6600","#FFCC33","#FFCC00","#33CC00","#3366FF","#00CCCC","#6633FF","#CC33CC","#666666","#990000","#cc6600","#cc9933","#999900","#009900","#339999","#3333ff","#6600cc","#993399","#333333","#660000","#993300","#996633","#666600","#006600","#336666","#000099","#333399","#663366","#000000","#330000","#663300","#663333","#333300","#003300","#003333","#000066","#330099","#330033"];
<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" Width="800px" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"></telerik:RadEditor>
and here is how to populate the color pallet on the server:
string[] colors = new string[] { "red", "green", "blue", "#ffcccc", "#ffcc99", "#ffff99", "#ffffcc", "#99ff99", "#99ffff", "#ccffff", "#ccccff", "#ffccff", "#cccccc", "#ff6666", "#ff9966", "#ffff66", "#ffff33", "#66ff99", "#33ffff", "#66ffff", "#9999ff", "#ff99ff", "#c0c0c0", "#ff0000", "#ff9900", "#ffcc66", "#ffff00", "#33ff33", "#66cccc", "#33ccff", "#6666cc", "#cc66cc", "#999999", "#cc0000", "#FF6600", "#FFCC33", "#FFCC00", "#33CC00", "#3366FF", "#00CCCC", "#6633FF", "#CC33CC", "#666666", "#990000", "#cc6600", "#cc9933", "#999900", "#009900", "#339999", "#3333ff", "#6600cc", "#993399", "#333333", "#660000", "#993300", "#996633", "#666600", "#006600", "#336666", "#000099", "#333399", "#663366", "#000000", "#330000", "#663300", "#663333", "#333300", "#003300", "#003333", "#000066", "#330099", "#330033" };
foreach (string color in colors)
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the Telerik team
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By default, the forecolor and backcolor color pallet is populated on the client because the colors are rarely changed. That is why when you add new color to the color pallet on the server it is reset and you should add again all colors.
Here is an example how to populate the color pallet on the client:
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnClientLoad(editor, args)
var args = ["red","green","blue","#ffcccc","#ffcc99","#ffff99","#ffffcc","#99ff99","#99ffff","#ccffff","#ccccff","#ffccff","#cccccc","#ff6666","#ff9966","#ffff66","#ffff33","#66ff99","#33ffff","#66ffff","#9999ff","#ff99ff","#c0c0c0","#ff0000","#ff9900","#ffcc66","#ffff00","#33ff33","#66cccc","#33ccff","#6666cc","#cc66cc","#999999","#cc0000","#FF6600","#FFCC33","#FFCC00","#33CC00","#3366FF","#00CCCC","#6633FF","#CC33CC","#666666","#990000","#cc6600","#cc9933","#999900","#009900","#339999","#3333ff","#6600cc","#993399","#333333","#660000","#993300","#996633","#666600","#006600","#336666","#000099","#333399","#663366","#000000","#330000","#663300","#663333","#333300","#003300","#003333","#000066","#330099","#330033"];
<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" Width="800px" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"></telerik:RadEditor>
and here is how to populate the color pallet on the server:
string[] colors = new string[] { "red", "green", "blue", "#ffcccc", "#ffcc99", "#ffff99", "#ffffcc", "#99ff99", "#99ffff", "#ccffff", "#ccccff", "#ffccff", "#cccccc", "#ff6666", "#ff9966", "#ffff66", "#ffff33", "#66ff99", "#33ffff", "#66ffff", "#9999ff", "#ff99ff", "#c0c0c0", "#ff0000", "#ff9900", "#ffcc66", "#ffff00", "#33ff33", "#66cccc", "#33ccff", "#6666cc", "#cc66cc", "#999999", "#cc0000", "#FF6600", "#FFCC33", "#FFCC00", "#33CC00", "#3366FF", "#00CCCC", "#6633FF", "#CC33CC", "#666666", "#990000", "#cc6600", "#cc9933", "#999900", "#009900", "#339999", "#3333ff", "#6600cc", "#993399", "#333333", "#660000", "#993300", "#996633", "#666600", "#006600", "#336666", "#000099", "#333399", "#663366", "#000000", "#330000", "#663300", "#663333", "#333300", "#003300", "#003333", "#000066", "#330099", "#330033" };
foreach (string color in colors)
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the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.