I am using RadAjax 2008 Q2 controls.
In Javascript I am able to successfully get a reference to a RadCombobox in a pop-up dialog.
While I can clear the items, when I try to add a RadComboboxItem I get the following error:
"htmlfile: Invalid argument."
Below is my Javascript code:
I am using RadAjax 2008 Q2 controls.
In Javascript I am able to successfully get a reference to a RadCombobox in a pop-up dialog.
While I can clear the items, when I try to add a RadComboboxItem I get the following error:
"htmlfile: Invalid argument."
Below is my Javascript code:
var contentFrame = gwinEventDetails.GetContentFrame().contentWindow;
var cboState = contentFrame.$find(contentFrame.gDLGcboVenueStateID);
var cboStateItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem();
// Clear state combobox
cboState.get_items().add(cboStateItem); --ERROR!!--
Hope this is enough information.
Kind regards
Mark Eaton