Hi Tema,
I'm editing my grid vie win Popup mode,this is working fine.
This is the sample code of edit form settings
<EditFormSettings InsertCaption="Edit Item Template" CaptionFormatString="Edit ProjectID: {0}"
CaptionDataField="ProjectID" EditFormType="WebUserControl" UserControlName="~/UserControls/INGControl.ascx" PopUpSettings-ScrollBars="Auto" PopUpSettings-Modal="false" PopUpSettings-Height="400px" PopUpSettings-Width="1000px" PopUpSettings-ZIndex="20">
<EditColumn uniquename="EditCommandColumn1" ItemStyle-ForeColor="Blue" />
<PopUpSettings ScrollBars="Auto" />
I want to place next and prev button in my edit form/user control and when use clicks on next ,I need to display next grid item details in popup/user control.
I've a req now, where I need to load next/previous record of the grid view in popup when user clicks on next/prev button.
Please share some samples.
I'm using 2011 Q3 Build.
Sai Teja