I am using this code to display a RAD Date Picker (I am using Rad Ajax Control for ASP .Net Version Q3 2008) . My requirement is on Tab off(lost focus) calendar popup should be hide. This is working while I added “OnBlur” event on “DateInput” control. But now it is creating a new problem. It is not showing new selected date in DatePicker control. For example if DatePicker already have “09/09/2008” as date value and now I have selected “09/08/2008” as new date, This new selected date is not coming in DatePicker control (If I commented ctl.hidePopup() statement from _txtClaimantDOI_OnBlur() Then I am able to see new selected date in date picker control).
<telerik:RadDatePicker ID="txtClaimantDOI" runat="server" Skin="Office2007" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Width="70px">
<DateInput onfocus="_txtClaimantDOI_OnFocus()" OnBlur="_txtClaimantDOI_OnBlur()" >
<Calendar DayNameFormat="FirstLetter" FirstDayOfWeek="Default" EnableMultiSelect="false"
UseRowHeadersAsSelectors="False" TabIndex="0">
<ClientEvents OnDateSelected="DateSelected" />
<DatePopupButton Visible="true" Style="display: none;" TabIndex="0" />
<telerik:RadScriptBlock ID="txtClaimantDOIScriptBlock" runat="server">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function _txtClaimantDOI_OnFocus() {
var ctl = $find("<%= txtClaimantDOI.ClientID %>");
function _txtClaimantDOI_OnBlur() {
var ctl = $find("<%= txtClaimantDOI.ClientID %>");
Please help me in this.
Atul Kumar Srivastav