I have an application in ASP .NET Framework 4.0, one page have a radcombobox and this control works fine in IE8, IE9 and IE10 but recently the page was tested on IE11 and the results were not good.
The code for the radcombobox:
<rad:RadComboBox ID="cmbRegWT" Width="100%" style="min-width:230px;" OnSelectedIndexChanged="cmbReg_Change" CloseDropDownOnBlur="true"
ShowDropDownOnTextboxClick="true" runat="server" Height="350px" MarkFirstMatch="true"
SelectOnTab="true" DataValueField="wtValue" DataTextField="wtDisplayText"
HighlightTemplatedItems="true" DropDownWidth="400px" OffsetX="0" EmptyMessage="Velg lønnsart"
AutoPostBack="true" Filter="Contains">
I followed the code and the results were:
BUG1: Property EmptyMessage enter in the "cmbReg_Change" event before enter the correct code behind event for the "btnSaveReg".
Enter in two sub code behind instead one.
BUG2: Automatically filter (Filter="Contains") in the combobox when the user back the cmbRegWT and the user thinks that the items were deleted.
This behavior is not correct because this events was firing by this properties. I have RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2013, please I need help to solve this issues with Internet Explorer 11. As, I said in earlier versions of explorer works fine.
The code for the radcombobox:
<rad:RadComboBox ID="cmbRegWT" Width="100%" style="min-width:230px;" OnSelectedIndexChanged="cmbReg_Change" CloseDropDownOnBlur="true"
ShowDropDownOnTextboxClick="true" runat="server" Height="350px" MarkFirstMatch="true"
SelectOnTab="true" DataValueField="wtValue" DataTextField="wtDisplayText"
HighlightTemplatedItems="true" DropDownWidth="400px" OffsetX="0" EmptyMessage="Velg lønnsart"
AutoPostBack="true" Filter="Contains">
BUG1: I've got an error telling me that the selectedvalue is not selected when someone press a ImageButton
(<asp:Imagebutton ID="btnSaveReg" runat="server" Enabled="false"
ImageUrl="~/Design/Time/regSave.png" OnClientClick="return CheckDayTotals(this);" OnCommand="saveReg" />
). ErrorSFP24.png
BUG2: cmbRegWT list is also cleared for elements when I select another element and return the cmbRegWT. ErrorSFP24-2.png.
I followed the code and the results were:
BUG1: Property EmptyMessage enter in the "cmbReg_Change" event before enter the correct code behind event for the "btnSaveReg".
Enter in two sub code behind instead one.
BUG2: Automatically filter (Filter="Contains") in the combobox when the user back the cmbRegWT and the user thinks that the items were deleted.
This behavior is not correct because this events was firing by this properties. I have RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2013, please I need help to solve this issues with Internet Explorer 11. As, I said in earlier versions of explorer works fine.