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UI for Blazor Forum
1 answer

I have a toggle button in a child component, which gets the selected state passed as parameter.
The button click invokes an eventcallback back, so the parent can update the state.

When i register an method to the eventcallback of my childcomponent which also awaits a task after updating the value, the button wont change its state. 

I am not a native speaker, and worried i did not explain my problem good enough so i prepared an Example

PS: I have also tried this with normal TelerikButtons. In that case i passed css classes which alter the background color, based on the value of IsSelected. This also won't when DoSomething() is called.

UPDATE: When i use the onclick event of a span, wrapped around the TelerikButtons, everything works as expected (does not work with a span inside a button).

Svetoslav Dimitrov
Telerik team
 answered on 07 Dec 2022
1 answer

I generated a new stylesheet using the Telerik Themebuilder and specified that the border-radius should be 0px, but after using the stylesheet in my project, I saw that all my buttons have a border-raduis, which is not the desired effect. Upon further inspection, I saw that this HTML is generated from my TelerikButton.


<button class="telerik-blazor k-button k-button-solid k-rounded-md k-button-rectangle k-button-md k-button-solid-primary k-disabled" id="contracten-laden-button" data-id="eaee6bb5-7628-4584-861d-c02fe6f432a1" tabindex="-1" aria-disabled="true" disabled="" type="submit">
        <span class="k-button-text">Contracten laden</span>


<TelerikButton ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Button.ThemeColor.Primary">
    Contracten laden
    <TelerikLoader ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Loader.ThemeColor.Light" Type="@LoaderType.Pulsing" Visible="@IsContracteringsStatussenLoading" />


Upon further inspection, I saw within the computed style (in the Developer tools) that the radius is coming from the stylesheet file which I just generated. More specifically, the .k-rounded-md class, which gives a border radius of 4px. It seems like, currently, it is not possible to generate a css file with a border-radius of 0. I suppose that I have to manually change these values, but I fear that I may break some other functionality.


Could you please suggest possible solutions? Perhaps specify which classes I could change to 0px to ensure that nothing else breaks. 


Thank you in advance for your response. I have attached all the files which were generated from the themebuilder, just for completion. 


Kind regards,


Telerik team
 answered on 08 Sep 2022
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