Blazor UI dynamic Dashboards and reporting/export

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Charts TileLayout
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n/a asked on 02 Feb 2022, 11:59 AM

Hello, we have and app with different dashboards that contains charts, counters, labels, etc and i have to questions

1. How can we render these dashboards and export to pdf, html, or other format to send by email? we have also telerik reporting for some grids reports but we dont want to code again the reports in telerik reporting with different components and format, we would like to reuse the same blazor dashboard and charts and components we already have in ui.

2. How can we create dynamic dashboard where user can enable or disabled widgets and configure their own dashboards, add or hide widgets and the page is reconfigured, is there any component for this or planned in roadmap?


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Nadezhda Tacheva
Telerik team
answered on 07 Feb 2022, 10:41 AM

Hi Alberto,

I will address your questions separately as follows:

Render and export Dashboard

You can render dashboards using the TileLayout component - take a look at this demo for reference Blazor TileLayout - Overview.

As for exporting the dashboards, generally speaking, you can use the Kendo Drawing API to export DOM elements to an image or a PDF. You can check the PDF and JPG Export in the Browser with JS sample app in our public repo that showcases such scenario. As the dashboard also include charts, an important point to take into consideration here is that at this stage, the charts can only be exported as image and not PDF using the Kendo Drawing API. We have a feature request to support that in future.

Allow using Kendo Drawing in a Blazor project to export Gauge/Chart to PDF

I have added your vote to increase its popularity as we are prioritizing the feature requests implementation based on the community interest and demand. You may also follow it to receive email notifications on status updates.

By the time this is available, you may consider using the browser rendering engine to produce a PDF as there are ways to achieve that without going through the print menu in the browser. With some custom CSS you can hide the additional elements to only include the dashboard in the generated PDF.

Dashboard Report

The generated report will be based on the report definition you have provided. If it only contains data for the Grid, it will not be possible for the report to contain information for the other components used in the dashboard. That said, you can create a report definition for all the data that you want to include in the report. You can use Report Designer for that purpose. Please let me know if any additional questions are raised here, so I can put you in touch with our Reporting support team for further assistance.

Dynamic Dashboard

You can create a dynamic dashboard by conditionally rendering different tiles based on your desired conditions -  for example, user access rights or user choice (allow them to customize the dashboard themselves and choose what data to see in it).

In this regard, you may take a look at the Add and Remove Tiles sample app in our public repo. It demonstrates a simple customizable dashboard which uses TileLayout component and allows adding and removing tiles from a collection to display the desired set of data in the main section.

I hope you will find the above information and examples useful. Please let us know if any further questions appear.

Nadezhda Tacheva
Progress Telerik

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Charts TileLayout
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Nadezhda Tacheva
Telerik team
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