First of all, please note i am doing tests with a Trial version of Telerik (2.25.0).
I plan to buy licence in a few days but i need to be sure Telerik is appropriated for my project.
I have an issue with websocket data volume on RadGrid.
Here is what i've done:
- I have create an empty Blazor Server project (.Net 5 dotnet framework)
- I have create an Entity with 2 properties: Id (Int32) and Name (String, 10 chars max)
- I have create a database with about 500 records of the previous Entity.
- I have put a RadGrid component with pagination (10 items per page). This Grid is displaying the 500 records. I have checked something on Entity Framework and SQL Server: RadGrid sends a new SQL request on each page change and only fetchs 10 items on each page.
- Telerik paging is very slow for me (my customers will run my application with a very poor connexion)
- I have sniffed packets on network and i have seen a very huge amount of data in websocket traffic when i click on another Radgrid page on my browser: 377ko per page (for only 10 items of { Int32, String[10] } !).
Here is what i've done: I have cleared my sniffer. Then i have changed page one time in my browser and i have stopped sniffer. Everything was done on a virtual machine. There were no other traffic (Internet or local)
In wireshark, i see a huge amount of data on the websocket stream.
Here is a very short extract:
!.......!.......!.......!...............................!.......!.......!.......!.......!.......!.......!.......!.......!.......!.......!.......!...............................!.......!.......!...... !......!!......"!......#!......$!......%!......&!......'!......(!..............................)!......*!......+!......,!......-!.......!....../!......0!......1!......2!......3!......4!..............................5!......6!......7!......8!......9!......:!......;!......<!......=!......>!......?!......@!..............................A!......B!......C!......D!......E!......F!......G!......H!......I!......J!......K!......L!..............................M!......N!......O!......P!......Q!......R!......S!......T!......U!......V!......W!......X!..............................Y!......Z!......[!......\!......]!......^!......_!......`!......a!......b!......c!......d!..............................e!......f!......g!......h!......i!......j!......k!......l!......m!......n!......o!......p!..............................q!......r!......s!......t!......u!......v!......w!......x!......y!......z!......
And on the bottom of the stream, i can see the datas displayed on my grid:
... HelloWorld.gridcell.1.0. .1.false.256.gridcell.1.1. .2.false ...
This grid datas are packed and they are not heavy (about 2kbytes). But what are the 375k previous bytes ?
Is there a way to avoid them ?
Please not i am running this project in a Developpment environnement. Do you think the 375kbytes datas can be debug informations and if so, how can i remove them ? I can't run in Production mode, maybe due to trial version but i need to know before buying licence why websocket data is so heavy.
Thanks a lot.