I've spent some time trying to bind a dataset to a treeview where there are three tables each with a different set of columns.
Three tables; Customer, Order and LineItem
Customer [CustomerId, Name]
Order [OrderId, CustomerId, OrderReference]
LineItem [LineItemId, OrderId, ProductName, Quantity]
The theory was... Create a Dataset with apporpriate relations and bind it server side. However it doesn't seem to work - I only can see the top level and if as I specify the DataMember attribute, It doesn't even use the name property to set the text.
Any help appreciated. Is the only solution to create the nodes server side programatically and add them to the tree?
<telerik:RadTreeView ID="treeCustomer" runat="server">
<telerik:RadTreeNodeBinding Depth="0" TextField="Name" ValueField="CustomerId" DataMember="Customer" />
<telerik:RadTreeNodeBinding Depth="1" TextField="OrderReference" ValueField="OrderId" DataMember="Order" />
<telerik:RadTreeNodeBinding Depth="2" TextField="ProductName" ValueField="LineItemId" DataMember="LineItem" />