It's possible to hide No Data Template if, when typing, no value are found?
Telerik team
commented on 23 Mar 2023, 07:05 PM
Hello Louis,
If you would like to receive an empty popup, you might simply set empty NoDataTemplate. However, the default behavior is to always open a popup to give the user information what is the filtered data. So, if you do not want to show the popup at all it might lead to a flickering.
Below you can find an example REPL and if you uncomment the closing code from the template you will see an alternative to hide the popup.
Perhaps, there might be another alternative with hiding with css, but would require OnRead handling the filtering so that we are aware when to hide the popup.
Hello Louis,
If you would like to receive an empty popup, you might simply set empty NoDataTemplate. However, the default behavior is to always open a popup to give the user information what is the filtered data. So, if you do not want to show the popup at all it might lead to a flickering.
Below you can find an example REPL and if you uncomment the closing code from the template you will see an alternative to hide the popup.
Perhaps, there might be another alternative with hiding with css, but would require OnRead handling the filtering so that we are aware when to hide the popup.