I'm using the lastest version of RadScheduler (2012.3).
Our customer is using Chrome browser, and we have the issue now when we drag an appointment.
Dragging the appointment up is okay, but dragging to bottom , the new timeslot where we can put the new appointment
is mostly about the duration of the appointment + starttime.
In IE we don't have this issue, we can drag the appointment on every timeslot.
I have stripped the Radscheduler, to very basic and the issue remains.
I have looked at the demo, and there is the same issue.
Howto :
Go to :
Make 1 appoitnment bigger , ex. 2.5 hours , example we take the appointment : "Tech. meeting", starts at 12h and ends at 15.30h.
Once the appointment is placed, the page will refresh.
Drag now this appointment with Chrome browser and move it 1 timeslot below. The next timeslot that is
possible is in my scenario about 15h. Moving the appointment up is ok, i can take every timeslot..
Same issue on other demos..
See : http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/scheduler/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx
Make the appointment 2 to 3 hours big .. and drag it below..
Any suggestions howto fix this ?
I'm using the lastest version of RadScheduler (2012.3).
Our customer is using Chrome browser, and we have the issue now when we drag an appointment.
Dragging the appointment up is okay, but dragging to bottom , the new timeslot where we can put the new appointment
is mostly about the duration of the appointment + starttime.
In IE we don't have this issue, we can drag the appointment on every timeslot.
I have stripped the Radscheduler, to very basic and the issue remains.
I have looked at the demo, and there is the same issue.
Howto :
Go to :
Make 1 appoitnment bigger , ex. 2.5 hours , example we take the appointment : "Tech. meeting", starts at 12h and ends at 15.30h.
Once the appointment is placed, the page will refresh.
Drag now this appointment with Chrome browser and move it 1 timeslot below. The next timeslot that is
possible is in my scenario about 15h. Moving the appointment up is ok, i can take every timeslot..
Same issue on other demos..
See : http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/scheduler/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx
Make the appointment 2 to 3 hours big .. and drag it below..
Any suggestions howto fix this ?