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AllowRowSelect with skin file

2 Answers 59 Views
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Stephan asked on 16 Mar 2009, 07:40 PM

I have the following scenario. I have a skin file that determines default settings for RadGrids in my project. One of the settings is this:

  <Selecting AllowRowSelect="False" /> 
  <Resizing AllowRowResize="False" /> 

On one of my pages I need to allow selecting rows on a RadGrid.
Just setting the AllowRowSelect to true doesn't seem to do the trick and the settings from the skin file seems to trump the local settings on the Grid.

How do I allow selecting rows on a RadGrid in my solution without having to change the default setting in the skin file?
Can the "!important" keyword be used somehow?
This questions seems very trivial to me, yet I'm unable to find an answer.
Any help is appreciated.

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Telerik team
answered on 17 Mar 2009, 05:08 PM
Hi Stephan,

Settings coming from ASP.NET themes cannot be overridden. If you want to allow row selecting in a certain RadGrid, you can do one of the following things:

1) set EnableTheming="false" to the RadGrid, so that it does not pick any settings from the theme's skin file.


2) create a more flexible ASP.NET theme using SkinIDs. In this way you will be able to define different settings for different SkinIDs and also different RadGrids will be able to use different SkinIDs.

For more information about ASP.NET themes, please refer to:

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answered on 18 Mar 2009, 04:00 PM

I just implemented a version utilizing the SkinID's and it works great.
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