Today we had to help a customer of ours, who was building a nice looking and very professional LOB application. He was looking for a control that would display the status of a process that he could incorporate in his app.
The reply was simple, although not so obvious - RadStatusStrip. The status strip is a good example of a very simple piece of UI that does not seems to be of a high importance, but if we take a closer look at the so called LOB apps, we’ll see that it is irreplaceable part of them. A nice-looking and fully-functional status strip control is one of the pieces that developers often omit to include in the specs, but which adds the final touch of any feature-complete app.
All you need to enhance your WinForms app is to drag the RadStatusStrip control to your form - it will position itself automatically to the bottom of the forms and you can start adding the items you wish to it. Since RadStatusStrip is a full-blown RadControl it can host any RadItems, such as buttons, input controls, progress bars, drop-down menus, and whatever you wish to use. Its appearance is 100% customizable, from both the designer and our WinForms Visual Style Builder.
With RadStatusStrip, however you can add some extra functionality to your app. Depending on the docking of the control, the orientation changes automatically - horizontal or vertical. This also affects the location of RadStatusStrip’s Resizing Grip. Our customers have found this feature to be very convenient in places where height is limited, or when sidebar functionality is needed.
Another especially unique capability of RadStatusStrip is the support for different Layout Styles:
In Stack Layout mode RadStatusStrip behaves exactly as you would expect it to, (i.e. as in Word or Visual Studio) – while resizing the application to make it smaller, the right-hand side elements that cannot fit on the form disappear. In this mode, all the elements in RadStatusStrip get a dynamically attached Spring property (set to false), which tells the control whether to stretch and fill up the free space in RadStatusStrip (Spring=true) or not (Spring=false). If there’s more than one element with Spring property set to TRUE, then the free space is filled up proportionally.
The uniqueness comes in Overflow mode, where RadStatusStrip arranges elements on more than one line, if there’s not enough space for all elements.
I hope this little intro on RadStatusStrip will help you add new functionality to your application.In case you would like to see any particular functionality to the control, please post a comment here and we will discuss it.
See you soon.
Nikolay Diyanov Diyanov is the Product Manager of the Native Mobile UI division at Progress. Delivering outstanding solutions that make developers' lives easier is his passion and the biggest reward in his work. In his spare time, Nikolay enjoys travelling around the world, hiking, sun-bathing and kite-surfing.
Find him on Twitter @n_diyanov or on LinkedIn.