To continue with my previous blog post about RadGrid for ASP.NET AJAX in Microsoft ASP.NET MVC, I've made another example how to use RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX as pure client-side components in this environment. The biggest challenge here is the ScriptManager and scripts registration in general. By default the creation of client-side components is so tightly coupled with the ajax functionality (PageRequestManager) that the only way to enable this is to inherit from ScriptManager (or RadScriptManager) and build everything manually:
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
foreach (RegisteredScript script in GetRegisteredClientScriptBlocks())
if (Page.Items[script.Key] == null)
Page.Items[script.Key] = true;
if (script.ScriptType == RegisteredScriptType.ClientScriptInclude)
writer.WriteLine(String.Format(@"<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""{0}""></script>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(script.Url)));
The result: Fully functional client-side enabled RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX with skins, scripts and styles combination, etc.!
Vladimir Enchev is Director of Engineering, Native Mobile UI & Frameworks