Telerik blogs

To continue with my previous blog post about RadGrid for ASP.NET AJAX in Microsoft ASP.NET MVC, I've made another example how to use RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX as pure client-side components in this environment. The biggest challenge here is the ScriptManager and scripts registration in general. By default the creation of client-side components is so tightly coupled with the ajax functionality (PageRequestManager) that the only way to enable this is to inherit from ScriptManager (or RadScriptManager) and build everything manually:

protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
     foreach (RegisteredScript script in GetRegisteredClientScriptBlocks())
         if (Page.Items[script.Key] == null)
             Page.Items[script.Key] = true;

             if (script.ScriptType == RegisteredScriptType.ClientScriptInclude)
                 writer.WriteLine(String.Format(@"<script type=""text/javascript"" src=""{0}""></script>", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(script.Url)));



The result: Fully functional client-side enabled RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX with skins, scripts and styles combination, etc.!


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About the Author

Vladimir Enchev

is Director of Engineering, Native Mobile UI & Frameworks


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