Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Q2 Asp.Net skinning

    It’s that time of the year again and we’re getting ready for the next quarterly release here at telerik. This time we have a major visual update coming for the ASP.NET product line. Almost all skins will get a refresh – some a minor QA to bring back to original designs, others a more thorough facelift. Wanted to get back to you even before the beta release next week with a sneak view of what’s coming so you can have your say. Here’s the major planned changes in skinning: Black skin preserves its general look only gets a bit less….well,...
    June 27, 2008

    How To Override Styles in a RadControl for ASP.NET AJAX' Embedded Skin

    In the era of the "classic" RadControls for ASP.NET modifying a skin required opening ~ / RadControls / [ControlName] / Skins / [SkinName] / styles.css and making the necessary changes. The new RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX (formerly known as "Prometheus") by default use skins, which are embedded in the assembly. This simplifies deployment but sacrifices customization. Or does it? Actually, making a change to an embedded skin of a RadControl for ASP.NET AJAX is quite easy, given that one keeps in mind a couple of notable things. Namely: (1) Since the embedded skin cannot be modified, the custom styles need to be placed elsewhere. For example ...
    June 17, 2008