Telerik blogs
  • Mobile

    Telerik AppBuilder - Some Simple, Effective Methods for Securing Your Source Code

    You've spent countless hours developing your app. You've nurtured it from its inception as an idea, held it through its grueling testing and debugging, and finally, watched it progress into a full-featured mobile app ready to be distributed to the world. The only lingering question is this: How do you protect all of your invested time, money, and hard work from being copied, altered or otherwise used for free?
    May 27, 2015

    Integrate ASP.NET with a 3rd Party Security Service

    After the recent spate of security issues from large retail companies, especially those that caused me to have to get a new credit card issued, I’ve been thinking more and more about how to secure my ASP.NET web applications. Fortunately, the new OWIN-based security in ASP.NET 4.5.1 can fill that need. In this article, I’m going to show you how I integrated the ASP.NET security model with the security services available in Telerik Platform.