Telerik blogs
  • Productivity

    Working with OpenAccess in Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2

    If you’re like me, the end of the year represents a time when most other projects are starting to wind down and you finally have a chance to get back to testing some of those “fun” Microsoft betas. Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 is probably at the top of the stack. Microsoft’s next major update to the flagship IDE is getting very close to RTM, so now is a great time to start checking-out the tool.   What you should be pleased to know is that almost all of Telerik’s developer tools already offer a lot of support for VS 2010- even...
    December 15, 2009
  • Productivity

    LINQ tip of the week: Upcoming System.Math support

    Continuing with the LINQ tips, today we provide a list of System.Math methods that we are going to support with the upcoming Q3 release. The following table shows the supported methods; when no indication is given, all the overloaded (double,decimal,...) versions will work. Abs Min Max Acos, Asin, Atan, Atan2 Cos,Sin,Tan Cosh, Sinh, Tanh Sqrt Power Trunc Exp Log(double) Log10 Ceil Floor Round (*) Sign   (*) Only the Round(double) and Round(x,y) methods where y!=MidpointRounding are supported.   That means, you can push now many more calculations to the database server. Be aware however, that using the database server engine might produce different results than would be calculated when the CLR is used; e.g....
    October 20, 2009
  • Productivity

    Generic Data Access

    When using an ORM one of the first questions users have is: But how is my data accessed? OpenAccess uses a technique called Enhancement to augment the compiler generated code. It works like as if the compiler had weaved in some additional code - much like the AOP people are doing it. The added code allows to provide the application with the needed management, lazy loading and change tracking capabilities. Because the code is compiled, there is no need to use reflection and therefore guarantees you a speedy access to your data. Your database data just comes into the objects as...
  • Web

    Designing N-Tier Applications with OpenAccess ORM

    A very important question recently crossed my inbox, and it essentially asked: “Can you design and build Enterprise-grade n-tier applications with OpenAccess? Or does it force you violate principles of good multi-tier application design to make the ORM features work?” It was a great question and I was surprised to find that there is not more info in the online docs to address this. So, to help everyone benefit from this question’s answer, here are some details about building n-tier applications with OpenAccess. WHAT DOES GOOD N-TIER ARCHITECTURE LOOK LIKE WITH OPENACCESS? Let me preface this discussion by saying there is no “absolute” right...
    April 28, 2009
  • Web

    Insert, Update, Delete with OpenAccess and RadGridView for Silverlight

    Download I will show you how easy is to integrate OpenAccess with RadGridView for Silverlight. I get the example from my colleague Dimitur and make it work with our RadGridView. If you are interested how to make OpenAccess to work with ADO.NET Data Services please read his blog series. To allow inserting new rows in RadGridView we should attach to AddingNewDataItem event. <telerik:RadGridView x:Name="gridView" Grid.Row="1" AddingNewDataItem="GridViewAddingNewDataItem" /> And provide the newly created object in it. private void GridViewAddingNewDataItem(object sender, GridViewAddingNewEventArgs e) { e.NewObject = new Supplier(); } Now we can insert new objects. Next steps is to save changes to the database. We should attach to GridViewRow.EditEndedEvent. this.gridView.AddHandler(GridViewRow.EditEndedEvent, new...
    February 04, 2009