Telerik blogs
  • Productivity Testing

    KickStart Your .NET Mocking

    Getting started with mocking can be hard. In this article, I describe the path that I took on my way to becoming a frequent mocker.
    February 04, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    Asserting Behavior with JustMock

    JustMock is a great tool for abstracting dependencies in unit tests, and the new automocking feature makes it even faster to develop unit tests.  Another great feature in JustMock and JustMock Lite is the capability to assert the behavior of your system under test.  Traditional TDD (Test Driven Testing) unit testing typically tests for state.  Did the user get logged in? Did the user’s shopping cart get loaded?  Important tests, of course.  But that only tests the end result of the method.  If the user does NOT successfully login, and the cart is not reloaded, is that because the call to the repository was never called? Or because some error happened that didn’t reload the cart in this particular use case?  The state of the application is correct, but is that because it executed the expected behavior, or because we got lucky? 
    January 10, 2013
  • Productivity

    Mocking Property Getters and Setters

    In typical unit testing scenarios, mocking property getters and setters isn't high on the list of areas of concern. Where it usually comes into play is when an entity’s properties’ values (or the act of setting them) are part of the scaffolding, or behavior for the system under test.
    December 27, 2012
  • Productivity Testing

    Mocking Constructors with JustMock

    In .NET there are two types of constructors, instance constructors and static constructors. Instance constructors are called when objects are instantiated, while static constructors get called before any member of the class is invoked for the first time.
    December 13, 2012
  • Productivity

    Slides, Source Code and Video to the “Getting Started with JustMock” Webinar Now Available

    Chris and I wanted to thank you all for attending the “Getting Started with JustMock” webinar. The slides, source code and recorded video are now available for you to explore. If you have any questions, then feel free to leave a comment below or send us an email/tweet. I encourage you to go ahead and download your own copy of JustMock and start experiencing Fast, Fluid Unit Testing for yourself. WEBINAR MATERIALS Slides, Source Code and the Recorded Webinar Video is now available for you to enjoy.
    December 06, 2012