Telerik blogs
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    The LOB Chronicles Episode 3: From UX to UI

    In this episode we are diving into how we can construct a better user interface (UI) utilizing the tools that our User Experience (UX) experts have put before us.  If you recall last time we discussed the importance of UX and how it can help us to identify higher-traffic areas of our application as well as why certain views might need to be more prevalent within the application. Today we go one step further and translate UX into UI in terms we can all understand, including views, navigation, and everyone’s favorite click-count. From Empathy to Navigation One of the highlights from the last post...
    August 18, 2011
  • People

    The LOB Chronicles - Exploring User Experience (UX)

    In the previous post we discussed a host of different things to introduce everyone to the LOB Chronicles project as well as the technologies (both Microsoft and Telerik) that are involved.  With a combination of Silverlight, TeamPulse (build with the Telerik Xaml tools), RadControls for Silverlight, OpenAccess, and Test Studio, we’re ready to start planning out our application from the ground up.  Before we write code, though, we want to take a step back and consider just who we’re designing this software for - which is where our UX experts come into play. Why UX? This is a great question and one...
    August 11, 2011