Thank you to everyone who attended the What’s New And Awesome in Q1 2013 RadControls webinar. We know that GoToWebinar had significant problems and many of you were not able to get through to the service, but I’m happy to say that we have a recording of the webinar now available on
Remember that RadControls for Windows 8 can be purchased at a significant discount this month, and is also part of a bundle of tools, The DevCraft bundle, that you can use to become more productive in your daily work. Take a moment to check out DevCraft, it is less expensive than buying any two of our other products, and comes with over 11 products for immediate productivity.
The slides and the source code is now available for you to download.
Q: Can you explain the DevCraft pricing again?
A: You can read all about DevCraft, and download a free trial here. The pricing is $1,299 for DevCraft UI and $1,499 for DevCraft Complete. Take a look at the comparison chart here.
Q: Will there be a RadDiagram for Windows 8, like its used in AppMock, I think?
A: No announcements at this time, but keep an eye on our roadmap to see where we’re going with these controls.
Q: Thanks for the RadGrid for Window 8, Really great job! Will there be a implementation of the RadPivotGrid for Windows 8?
A: No announcements at this time, but keep an eye on our roadmap to see where we’re going with these controls.
Q: Can the chart axis be switch to a logarithmic scale?
A: Yes you can have a Linear, Logarithmic, Categorical, DateTime, Polar, NumericalRadial or CategoricalRadial axis.
Jesse Liberty has three decades of experience writing and delivering software projects. He is the author of 2 dozen books and has been a Distinguished Software Engineer for AT&T and a VP for Information Services for Citibank and a Software Architect for PBS. You can read more on his personal blog or follow him on twitter