Learn how to use native embedding in your .NET MAUI app—within native Android, Windows and iOS projects.
In this post, you’ll learn what native embedding is and how you can use it to embed components created in a .NET MAUI project, whether using native controls or third-party ones like Progress Telerik UI for .NET MAUI, within native Android, Windows and iOS projects. Let’s get started!
Native embedding refers to the ability to make graphical components created with .NET MAUI controls consumable in .NET projects for iOS, .NET for Android, .NET for Mac Catalyst and WinUI. These components must be created with controls that derive from the Element type.
You might wonder why it would be useful to use controls created in .NET MAUI within native applications, so here are some use cases:
Let’s see how to prepare the .NET MAUI project for use from native platforms.
The first thing we need to do to enable native embedding is to prepare our .NET MAUI project so it can be consumed externally. Suppose that in your project you have created a component like the one we’ve seen in the post Bindable Properties and ControlTemplates in .NET MAUI, which you want to reuse in a native project.
I recommend first making a copy of the .NET MAUI project, as it will be modified to contain only the graphical components and the logic behind them. Also make sure that the component is defined in a ContentView
and not in a ContentPage
—otherwise, you’ll have exceptions when trying to run the native project. The steps to follow are:
folder from the project:Platforms
folder from the project:Resources/AppIcon
folder from the project:Resources/raw
folder must also be deleted from the project:Resources/Splash
folder from the .NET MAUI project:AppShell.xaml
file and its respective AppShell.xaml.cs
file from the project:App.xaml.cs
file and make sure that MainPage
has no assigned value, and that the CreateWindow
method is not overridden. The resulting file should contain code similar to the following:public partial class App : Application
public App()
that is part of the project. In my case, I have to get rid of MainPage.xaml
with its respective MainPage.xaml.cs
section like this:<PropertyGroup>
<TargetFrameworks Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('windows'))">$(TargetFrameworks);net9.0-windows10.0.19041.0</TargetFrameworks>
<!-- Uncomment to also build the tizen app. You will need to install tizen by following this: https://github.com/Samsung/Tizen.NET -->
<!-- <TargetFrameworks>$(TargetFrameworks);net9.0-tizen</TargetFrameworks> -->
<!-- Note for MacCatalyst:
The default runtime is maccatalyst-x64, except in Release config, in which case the default is maccatalyst-x64;maccatalyst-arm64.
When specifying both architectures, use the plural <RuntimeIdentifiers> instead of the singular <RuntimeIdentifier>.
The Mac App Store will NOT accept apps with ONLY maccatalyst-arm64 indicated;
either BOTH runtimes must be indicated or ONLY macatalyst-x64. -->
<!-- For example: <RuntimeIdentifiers>maccatalyst-x64;maccatalyst-arm64</RuntimeIdentifiers> -->
We need to modify this section by removing <OutputType>Exe</OutputType>
and adding the line <TargetFramework>net9.0</TargetFramework>
. Additionally, in my experience, I’ve had to comment out the lines containing the TargetFrameworks
tag for the net9.0
folder and its content to be created, ending up like this:
<!--<TargetFrameworks Condition="$([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform('windows'))">$(TargetFrameworks);net9.0-windows10.0.19041.0</TargetFrameworks>-->
file where you need to change the constructor signature from this:public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
to this:
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp<TApp>(Action<MauiAppBuilder>? additional = null) where TApp : App
Similarly, you need to make sure to change the use of the UseMauiApp
to UseMauiEmbeddedApp
with a generic TApp
Finally, an overload of the constructor that accepts an Action<MauiAppBuilder>
argument must be added:
public static class MauiProgram
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp(Action<MauiAppBuilder>? additional = null) =>
The final class should look similar to the following class:
public static class MauiProgram
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp(Action<MauiAppBuilder>? additional = null) =>
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp<TApp>(Action<MauiAppBuilder>? additional = null) where TApp : App
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
return builder.Build();
Once the above modifications are made, make sure to perform a build to verify that the project is configured correctly.
Next, we’ll see the steps required to use the components from the .NET MAUI project in native platforms.
The first thing you need to do is add the native projects to the solution that contains the .NET MAUI project with the created controls. You can do this by attaching a previously created native project, or by creating a new project. For my example, I’m going to create these projects from scratch.
I’ll start by adding the WinUI project, which I achieve by right-clicking on the .NET MAUI project and selecting the Add New Project
option. In the templates window, you should select the Blank App, Packaged (WinUI 3 in Desktop)
template and create the project with whatever name you want (I’ve called it WinUIProject
Similarly, I add the Android project following the same steps as above, but selecting the Android Application
template (I’ve called this one AndroidProject
Finally, I add the iOS project, selecting this time the iOS Application
template (You can call it iOSProject
Once you have created the native projects, you must double-click on the configuration file of each project, with the purpose of adding these two compilation properties in the first PropertyGroup
Similarly, you must add a new ItemGroup
to add the Microsoft.Maui.Controls
NuGet package to the project:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Maui.Controls" Version="$(MauiVersion)" />
Remember to do this for each of the projects. Additionally, for the WinUI
platform, you need to add one last line in the first PropertyGroup
section to avoid compilation errors:
Finally, you need to add a reference to the .NET MAUI project from each of the native projects by right-clicking on the solution name | Add
| Reference
, as shown below:
The native embedding feature can be done in two contexts:
In either case, it is recommended to create a shared and static instance of MauiApp, which will allow faster loading when trying to display .NET MAUI components, avoiding the delay this could cause:
public static class MyEmbeddedMauiApp
static MauiApp? _shared;
public static MauiApp Shared => _shared ??= MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
Let’s see a practical example of native embedding below.
Let’s do a practical example to see how to embed a .NET MAUI component in a native UWP project using AppContext
. Let’s open the WinUIProject
| MainWindow.xaml
file, adding a name to the StackLayout
container to be able to reference it from the code behind, plus the Loaded
event to perform the .NET MAUI control creation operations from the event handler:
<Button x:Name="myButton" Click="myButton_Click">Click Me</Button>
Next, let’s go to the code behind, that is, the MainWindow.xaml.cs
file to add the shared instance to MauiApp
as follows:
public sealed partial class MainWindow : Window
public static class MyEmbeddedMauiApp
static MauiApp? _shared;
public static MauiApp Shared =>
_shared ??= MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
The next step is to create a MauiContext
from the previously created MauiApp
object. This object will help us get the native view of the .NET MAUI control:
private void Container_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var mauiApp = MyEmbeddedMauiApp.Shared;
var context = new MauiContext(mauiApp.Services);
Once this is done, we must create a new instance of the .NET MAUI control. Next, we’ll use the ToPlatformEmbedded()
method of the .NET MAUI control we’ve created, storing its result in a native platform type, in WinUI it will be FrameworkElement
, while in Android the type will be Android.Views.View
and in iOS it will be UIViewController
. Finally, we’ll add the obtained native control in a native container, in our case, we’ll use a StackPanel
private void Container_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var mauiApp = MyEmbeddedMauiApp.Shared;
var context = new MauiContext(mauiApp.Services);
var downloader = new Downloader();
FrameworkElement nativeView = downloader.ToPlatformEmbedded(context);
If we run the application at this point, you’ll see that the .NET MAUI component is deployed correctly:
Let’s now do an example with a Window context. We’re going to modify the AndroidProject
| Resources
| layout
| activity_main.xml
file as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:text="Android button above .NET MAUI controls" />
<!-- .NET MAUI content will go here. -->
Next, let’s go to the MainActivity.cs
file where we’ll add the static class to create the MauiApp
instance, just as we did in the AppContext scenario:
[Activity(Label = "@string/app_name", MainLauncher = true)]
public class MainActivity : Activity
public static class MyEmbeddedMauiApp
static MauiApp? _shared;
public static MauiApp Shared => _shared ??= MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle? savedInstanceState)
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
In this scenario, the context must be created through the execution of the CreateEmbeddedWindowContext
method of MauiApp
, which can be defined as follows:
public class MainActivity : Activity
public static class MyEmbeddedMauiApp
static MauiApp? _shared;
public static MauiApp Shared => _shared ??= MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
Activity? _window;
IMauiContext? _windowContext;
public IMauiContext WindowContext =>
_windowContext ??= MyEmbeddedMauiApp.Shared.CreateEmbeddedWindowContext(_window ?? throw new InvalidOperationException());
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle? savedInstanceState)
In the above code, the _window
reference is declared linked to the current Android activity, and similarly, a _windowContext
reference is declared that will be used to obtain the native view of the .NET MAUI component.
Finally, we’ll follow very similar steps to those performed with the UWP project—that is, create an instance of the native .NET MAUI control, use the ToPlatformEmbedded
method that will return the native platform view and attach it to the native UI, in this case, through a LinearLayout
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle? savedInstanceState)
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
_window ??= this;
var context = WindowContext;
var mauiView = new Downloader();
Android.Views.View nativeView = mauiView.ToPlatformEmbedded(context);
var rootLayout = FindViewById<LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.layout_first)!;
rootLayout.AddView(nativeView, new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent));
When running the above code, you’ll see the native .NET MAUI control being rendered in an Android project:
Throughout this article, you’ve learned what native embedding is and how it can help you embed .NET MAUI components that include .NET MAUI controls or Progress Telerik controls for reuse in native platforms. Likewise, you’ve seen practical cases for embedding components created with .NET MAUI in native platforms, with which it’s your turn to try this fantastic feature.
Ready to try out Telerik UI for .NET MAUI? It comes with a free 30-day trial!
Héctor Pérez is a Microsoft MVP with more than 10 years of experience in software development. He is an independent consultant, working with business and government clients to achieve their goals. Additionally, he is an author of books and an instructor at El Camino Dev and Devs School.