Being one of the first controls in the RadControls for Windows Phone suite, RadDataBoundListBox has been continuously extended and eventually evolved into a powerful, must-have component for each Windows Phone application. Providing features like Data Virtualization, Multiple Selection, Item Animations, this control can easily be set up to fit into many application scenarios and handle much of the work one would have to do using just the native components.
Q2 2012 comes with some further enhancements one of which is the support for reordering the items in the control.
The Item Reorder functionality allows your end users to change the position of the items in the viewport which is also reflected on the data items’ positions in the source. The functionality is enabled via a Boolean property exposed by RadDataBoundListBox and can be activated by pressing and holding the visual item that is the target of reordering:
When the Item Reorder functionality is active a popup containing two buttons is displayed above the list box. Using the buttons your end users can change the position of the items. Note that the data item behind the visual item is also reordered in the items source provided that it implements the IList interface.
You can experiment with these new features by downloading our Telerik Examples app available on the marketplace.
This feature (and many others) is included in the Q2 2012 pack of RadControls for Windows Phone available for download on our website.