Telerik blogs
  • Web

    Location Crosshair for Silverlight Chart

    Hello everyone, This blog post will demonstrate how to add location crosshair for RadChart as well as location indicator (achieved by two TextBlock-s that track the current mouse location). To achieve the crosshair functionality you will add two custom gridlines to the ChartArea (each of them parallel to one of the axes). Also, you will need three events – MouseEnter, MouseLeave and MouseMove to track the mouse cursor position and “move” the gridlines across the plot area. By handling the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events you’ll change the visibility of the gridlines to Visible and Collapsed whenever the mouse cursor enters or leaves the...
    August 12, 2011
  • People

    The LOB Chronicles - Exploring User Experience (UX)

    In the previous post we discussed a host of different things to introduce everyone to the LOB Chronicles project as well as the technologies (both Microsoft and Telerik) that are involved.  With a combination of Silverlight, TeamPulse (build with the Telerik Xaml tools), RadControls for Silverlight, OpenAccess, and Test Studio, we’re ready to start planning out our application from the ground up.  Before we write code, though, we want to take a step back and consider just who we’re designing this software for - which is where our UX experts come into play. Why UX? This is a great question and one...
    August 11, 2011
  • Release

    Introducing the LOB Chronicles - Building a CRM Demo

    Today we’re starting a new endeavor in the Xaml teams at Telerik to bring a new demo application your way.   The application that we have in mind is a Customer Relationship Management (better known as CRM) solution intended to help a fictional sales person through the trials and tribulations of his day-to-day experience.  Now keep in mind, we’re not looking to make an application that gets sold under the Telerik banner, rather this is an exercise to see how UX, design, architecture, and our team of eight can work together to produce and explain a brand new demo featuring some...
    August 04, 2011
  • Release

    Meet RadPivotMap and RadTreeMap (SL/WPF)

    With the Q2 2011 release the Data Visualization team at Telerik released a beta version of two new controls: RadPivotMap and RadTreeMap. These two controls represent Telerik’s offering for treemap type visualizations. Probably the first question that comes to mind is why have we shipped two separate controls for what seems to be the job for one? This question is what this blog post is about. Keep reading.     When we started our work on Telerik’s tree mapping product we took a step back and researched how these kinds of visualizations are used. We did an extensive research on what kinds of data...
    August 03, 2011
  • Release

    ToolTip Support for RadSlider for Silverlight

    Recently there was a feature request for out-of-the-box support for a ToolTip while dragging any of RadSlider's thumbs. Since we don't provide one yet we decided to check whether it is possible to accomplish this scenario with the current implementation of RadSlider. It turned out that it was actually quite trivial. Few attached properties, a little bit of knowledge about tooltips in Silverlight and voila! Below is the class that does all the magic. It is pretty self explanatory. public class SliderToolTipExtensions : DependencyObject {     private static string SingleThumbName = "SingleThumbHost";     private static string RangeStartThumb = "RangeStartThumb";     private static string RangeEndThumb = "RangeEndThumb";       private static string ValuePropertyPath = "Value";     private static string SelectionStartPropertyPath =...
  • Web

    Location Crosshair for Silverlight Chart

    Hello everyone, This blog post will demonstrate how to add location crosshair for RadChart as well as location indicator (achieved by two TextBlock-s that track the current mouse location). To achieve the crosshair functionality you will add two custom gridlines to the ChartArea (each of them parallel to one of the axes). Also, you will need three events – MouseEnter, MouseLeave and MouseMove to track the mouse cursor position and “move” the gridlines across the plot area. By handling the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events you’ll change the visibility of the gridlines to Visible and Collapsed whenever the mouse cursor enters or leaves the...
    August 12, 2011
  • People

    The LOB Chronicles - Exploring User Experience (UX)

    In the previous post we discussed a host of different things to introduce everyone to the LOB Chronicles project as well as the technologies (both Microsoft and Telerik) that are involved.  With a combination of Silverlight, TeamPulse (build with the Telerik Xaml tools), RadControls for Silverlight, OpenAccess, and Test Studio, we’re ready to start planning out our application from the ground up.  Before we write code, though, we want to take a step back and consider just who we’re designing this software for - which is where our UX experts come into play. Why UX? This is a great question and one...
    August 11, 2011
  • Release

    Introducing the LOB Chronicles - Building a CRM Demo

    Today we’re starting a new endeavor in the Xaml teams at Telerik to bring a new demo application your way.   The application that we have in mind is a Customer Relationship Management (better known as CRM) solution intended to help a fictional sales person through the trials and tribulations of his day-to-day experience.  Now keep in mind, we’re not looking to make an application that gets sold under the Telerik banner, rather this is an exercise to see how UX, design, architecture, and our team of eight can work together to produce and explain a brand new demo featuring some...
    August 04, 2011
  • Release

    Meet RadPivotMap and RadTreeMap (SL/WPF)

    With the Q2 2011 release the Data Visualization team at Telerik released a beta version of two new controls: RadPivotMap and RadTreeMap. These two controls represent Telerik’s offering for treemap type visualizations. Probably the first question that comes to mind is why have we shipped two separate controls for what seems to be the job for one? This question is what this blog post is about. Keep reading.     When we started our work on Telerik’s tree mapping product we took a step back and researched how these kinds of visualizations are used. We did an extensive research on what kinds of data...
    August 03, 2011
  • Release

    ToolTip Support for RadSlider for Silverlight

    Recently there was a feature request for out-of-the-box support for a ToolTip while dragging any of RadSlider's thumbs. Since we don't provide one yet we decided to check whether it is possible to accomplish this scenario with the current implementation of RadSlider. It turned out that it was actually quite trivial. Few attached properties, a little bit of knowledge about tooltips in Silverlight and voila! Below is the class that does all the magic. It is pretty self explanatory. public class SliderToolTipExtensions : DependencyObject {     private static string SingleThumbName = "SingleThumbHost";     private static string RangeStartThumb = "RangeStartThumb";     private static string RangeEndThumb = "RangeEndThumb";       private static string ValuePropertyPath = "Value";     private static string SelectionStartPropertyPath =...