Telerik blogs
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    Scrollable Menu – Workaround with a Multi-Column Menu and RadControls for Silverlight

    RadMenu and RadContextMenu for Silverlight cannot automatically scroll their items if their height exceeds a certain height. We are planning to implement this feature in the near future, but at the moment there are two workarounds for the developers: override the RadMenu control template and add ScrollViewer controls around the ItemsPresenters, or customize the ItemsPanel of the RadMenuItem controls, so the sub-items are displayed in columns. The second option is much easier and looks good enough: The main idea is to replace the RadMenuItem ItemsPanel, that is a StackPanel by default, with a WrapPanel. To set the ItemsPanel property of all...
    June 18, 2009
  • Web

    Data-binding menu, context menu and toolbar, a.k.a. a simple text editor for Silverlight

    This demo extends my previous sample, that demonstrated how to add a right click context menu on a TextBox. Here I will show how to create context sensitive main menu and toolbar, in addition to the context menu. The demo will also demonstrate some advanced enhancements that we added to the Silverlight 2 Framework, such as merged dictionaries and container bindings. The application enables/disables the Cut and Copy commands when there is no selection and also disables the Paste command when there is no clipboard content. As in the previous blog post, the clipboard methods work only in IE. Here is how...
  • Web

    Reusing and customizing a single ContextMenu on a TreeView with RadControls for Silverlight

    This is part two of my Attaching a ContextMenu on TreeView blog post. I will show another approach for adding context menu on a treeview, that uses a single menu that is customized for each treeview item. One context menu per treeview should provide much better performance if the treeview is bound to a large data set, since there are much less visual elements that have to be created. I am also using an updated view model, where each item contains a reference to its parent. This will help me to rely entirely on the model for my application logic, which greatly...
    June 01, 2009
  • Web

    How to add a right click context menu on a TextBox in Silverlight?

    How to add a right click context menu on a TextBox in Silverlight and also support simple editing commands, like Cut, Copy and Paste? This is pretty easy with RadContextMenu for Silverlight and I will show you now: First I declared a TextBox and set the RadContextMenu.ContextMenu attached property on it: <TextBox x:Name="TextContainer" AcceptsReturn="True" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Right click to open a fully functional context menu that depends on the selection and the clipboard content">    <telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu.ContextMenu>        <telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu ItemClick="ContextMenuClick" Opened="ContextMenuOpened" Closed="ContextMenuClosed">             <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Cut" />             <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Copy" />             <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Paste" />         </telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu>     </telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu.ContextMenu> </TextBox> .csharpcode, .csharpcode pre { font-size: small; color: black; font-family: consolas, "Courier New", courier, monospace; background-color: #ffffff; /*white-space: pre;*/ } .csharpcode pre { margin: 0em; } .csharpcode .rem { color: #008000; } .csharpcode .kwrd { color: #0000ff; } .csharpcode .str { color: #006080; } .csharpcode .op { color: #0000c0; } .csharpcode .preproc { color: #cc6633; } .csharpcode .asp { background-color: #ffff00; } .csharpcode .html { color: #800000; } .csharpcode .attr { color: #ff0000; } .csharpcode .alt { background-color: #f4f4f4; width: 100%; margin: 0em; } .csharpcode .lnum { color: #606060; }   If you want to open the context menu with Right click, you need to make the Silverlight plug-in windowless. Otherwise, you should set the EventName and/or ModifierKey properties on RadContextMenu to configure it...
  • Web

    Attaching a ContextMenu on a TreeView with RadControls for Silverlight

    Telerik RadControls for Silverlight provide a very powerful ContextMenu control, that supports right click, modifier keys and that can be easily attached to any visual element. In this article I will show how to attach RadContextMenu to a data-bound RadTreeView and perform actions on the clicked treeview items, depending on the selection in the context menu. For simplicity, here I will use a treeview, bound to a static collection, but it can be easily extended to load its items from a web service: <UserControl x:Class="ContextMenuInTreeView.Page" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:ContextMenuInTreeView" xmlns:telerik="clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Controls;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Controls" xmlns:telerikNavigation="clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Controls;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation"> <UserControl.Resources> <local:DataViewModel x:Key="ViewModel" /> <telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="TreeViewItemTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding Children}"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"> <telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu.ContextMenu> <telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu> <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="New Child" /> <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="New Sibling" /> <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Delete" /> </telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu> </telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu.ContextMenu> </TextBlock> </telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate> </UserControl.Resources> <StackPanel Background="White" DataContext="{StaticResource...
    April 27, 2009
  • Web

    Scrollable Menu – Workaround with a Multi-Column Menu and RadControls for Silverlight

    RadMenu and RadContextMenu for Silverlight cannot automatically scroll their items if their height exceeds a certain height. We are planning to implement this feature in the near future, but at the moment there are two workarounds for the developers: override the RadMenu control template and add ScrollViewer controls around the ItemsPresenters, or customize the ItemsPanel of the RadMenuItem controls, so the sub-items are displayed in columns. The second option is much easier and looks good enough: The main idea is to replace the RadMenuItem ItemsPanel, that is a StackPanel by default, with a WrapPanel. To set the ItemsPanel property of all...
    June 18, 2009
  • Web

    Data-binding menu, context menu and toolbar, a.k.a. a simple text editor for Silverlight

    This demo extends my previous sample, that demonstrated how to add a right click context menu on a TextBox. Here I will show how to create context sensitive main menu and toolbar, in addition to the context menu. The demo will also demonstrate some advanced enhancements that we added to the Silverlight 2 Framework, such as merged dictionaries and container bindings. The application enables/disables the Cut and Copy commands when there is no selection and also disables the Paste command when there is no clipboard content. As in the previous blog post, the clipboard methods work only in IE. Here is how...
  • Web

    Reusing and customizing a single ContextMenu on a TreeView with RadControls for Silverlight

    This is part two of my Attaching a ContextMenu on TreeView blog post. I will show another approach for adding context menu on a treeview, that uses a single menu that is customized for each treeview item. One context menu per treeview should provide much better performance if the treeview is bound to a large data set, since there are much less visual elements that have to be created. I am also using an updated view model, where each item contains a reference to its parent. This will help me to rely entirely on the model for my application logic, which greatly...
    June 01, 2009
  • Web

    How to add a right click context menu on a TextBox in Silverlight?

    How to add a right click context menu on a TextBox in Silverlight and also support simple editing commands, like Cut, Copy and Paste? This is pretty easy with RadContextMenu for Silverlight and I will show you now: First I declared a TextBox and set the RadContextMenu.ContextMenu attached property on it: <TextBox x:Name="TextContainer" AcceptsReturn="True" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Right click to open a fully functional context menu that depends on the selection and the clipboard content">    <telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu.ContextMenu>        <telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu ItemClick="ContextMenuClick" Opened="ContextMenuOpened" Closed="ContextMenuClosed">             <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Cut" />             <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Copy" />             <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Paste" />         </telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu>     </telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu.ContextMenu> </TextBox> .csharpcode, .csharpcode pre { font-size: small; color: black; font-family: consolas, "Courier New", courier, monospace; background-color: #ffffff; /*white-space: pre;*/ } .csharpcode pre { margin: 0em; } .csharpcode .rem { color: #008000; } .csharpcode .kwrd { color: #0000ff; } .csharpcode .str { color: #006080; } .csharpcode .op { color: #0000c0; } .csharpcode .preproc { color: #cc6633; } .csharpcode .asp { background-color: #ffff00; } .csharpcode .html { color: #800000; } .csharpcode .attr { color: #ff0000; } .csharpcode .alt { background-color: #f4f4f4; width: 100%; margin: 0em; } .csharpcode .lnum { color: #606060; }   If you want to open the context menu with Right click, you need to make the Silverlight plug-in windowless. Otherwise, you should set the EventName and/or ModifierKey properties on RadContextMenu to configure it...
  • Web

    Attaching a ContextMenu on a TreeView with RadControls for Silverlight

    Telerik RadControls for Silverlight provide a very powerful ContextMenu control, that supports right click, modifier keys and that can be easily attached to any visual element. In this article I will show how to attach RadContextMenu to a data-bound RadTreeView and perform actions on the clicked treeview items, depending on the selection in the context menu. For simplicity, here I will use a treeview, bound to a static collection, but it can be easily extended to load its items from a web service: <UserControl x:Class="ContextMenuInTreeView.Page" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:ContextMenuInTreeView" xmlns:telerik="clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Controls;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Controls" xmlns:telerikNavigation="clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Controls;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation"> <UserControl.Resources> <local:DataViewModel x:Key="ViewModel" /> <telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="TreeViewItemTemplate" ItemsSource="{Binding Children}"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"> <telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu.ContextMenu> <telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu> <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="New Child" /> <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="New Sibling" /> <telerikNavigation:RadMenuItem Header="Delete" /> </telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu> </telerikNavigation:RadContextMenu.ContextMenu> </TextBlock> </telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate> </UserControl.Resources> <StackPanel Background="White" DataContext="{StaticResource...
    April 27, 2009