Telerik blogs
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    Localization for RadControls for Silverlight and WPF

    As we are continuously working on the localization of all our controls, we'd like to share how the localization is actually progressing at our side. With the RadControls for Silverlight Q1 2009 SP1 we introduced the LocalizationManager. Actually we have used it to localize the RadUpload control for Silverlight. Now we have four more controls localized right from the box: RadTreeView, RadMediaPlayer, RadColorSelector and RadColorPicker. In the attached example you can see them localized. Another control to be localized soon is the RadGridView control. The LocalizationManager allows you to easily localize any of our controls. In addition, we followed the practice to share the same code across Silverlight...
  • Web

    Localization for RadControls for Silverlight and WPF

    As we are continuously working on the localization of all our controls, we'd like to share how the localization is actually progressing at our side. With the RadControls for Silverlight Q1 2009 SP1 we introduced the LocalizationManager. Actually we have used it to localize the RadUpload control for Silverlight. Now we have four more controls localized right from the box: RadTreeView, RadMediaPlayer, RadColorSelector and RadColorPicker. In the attached example you can see them localized. Another control to be localized soon is the RadGridView control. The LocalizationManager allows you to easily localize any of our controls. In addition, we followed the practice to share the same code across Silverlight...