Telerik blogs
  • Desktop WPF

    Implementing logical paging with RadDataPager for WPF and Silverlight

    Following the great series about RadDataPager started by Rossen and Pavel today I’m going to show you how to implement logical paging. We are going to implement alphabetical paging similar to this ASP.NET AJAX Grid Demo. As you may already know the key to the heart of the RadDataPager is the IPagedCollectionView interface. You can create your own implementations of this interface and implement any custom logic for paging you want. This is exactly what we are going to do in this article. Introducing PagedCollectionViewBase and LogicallyPagedCollectionView<T> If you have looked at IPagedCollectionView interface you may have found out that it is not a trivial interface to...
    April 11, 2010
  • Desktop WPF

    Sorting, Filtering, Grouping and Aggregating on all CPU cores using RadGridView for WPF and PLINQ

    As some of you may already know the Q2 release of RadGridView for WPF ships with a brand new “data engine” entirely based on LINQ. This means that all data operations including sorting, filtering, grouping, aggregating and paging will be pushed down to the IQueryProvider when RadGridView is bound to an IQueryable. For example if you are using LinqToSql, LinqToEntities or OpenAccess ORM all gird operations are executed on the SQL server using the magic of LINQ providers. Staying on the cutting edge I decide to try out PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) and enable RadGridView to execute its data operations on all available CPU cores. PLINQ...
    September 23, 2009
  • Productivity

    Using LinqPad with Telerik OpenAccess ORM

    LinqPad is a nice and popular query analyzer made to test LINQ queries: whether it is Linq To Sql, Linq to Objects or some other flavor, you will be able to play in a nice way with it. Sadly it does not support Telerik OpenAccess ORM out of the box. However we never said it is impossible – you just have to put some more pressure to it. So, the first step is of course to deploy Telerik OpenAccess ORM and LinqPad on your machine. Then do the following: a) Open LinqPad and press F4 to bring up the Advanced Query...
    July 23, 2009
  • Productivity Reporting

    Connecting the Dots: ADO.NET Data Services and Telerik Reporting

    ADO.NET Data Services (formerly Astoria) is one of the new technologies released as part of v3.5 SP1 of the .NET Framework. If you haven’t tried this new addition to the framework, I highly suggest you give it a spin. It’s very cool and allows you to quickly and easily set up RESTful WCF services with which your application can interact with the database. If you’re interested in learning more, MSDN has several great resources to help you get started. One of the cool things about Telerik is that the developers are always mindful of building products that can be easily integrated with existing and future...
    April 24, 2009
  • Productivity Document Processing

    Exporting data to Excel using the RadGridView for WinForms

         There usually comes a time for most developers when they need to use the data being displayed in an application, outside of that application.  There are obviously a number of ways you can present data, but it is common to leverage Microsoft Excel.  It provides a similar look and feel to the grid which means minimal reformatting, plus Excel is widely used and therefore most offices should have a version of the software available.       How to get your data into Excel?  The RadGridView offers a couple of options to accomplish this task.  First, you can use the Primary...
    January 27, 2009
  • Desktop WPF

    Implementing logical paging with RadDataPager for WPF and Silverlight

    Following the great series about RadDataPager started by Rossen and Pavel today I’m going to show you how to implement logical paging. We are going to implement alphabetical paging similar to this ASP.NET AJAX Grid Demo. As you may already know the key to the heart of the RadDataPager is the IPagedCollectionView interface. You can create your own implementations of this interface and implement any custom logic for paging you want. This is exactly what we are going to do in this article. Introducing PagedCollectionViewBase and LogicallyPagedCollectionView<T> If you have looked at IPagedCollectionView interface you may have found out that it is not a trivial interface to...
    April 11, 2010
  • Desktop WPF

    Sorting, Filtering, Grouping and Aggregating on all CPU cores using RadGridView for WPF and PLINQ

    As some of you may already know the Q2 release of RadGridView for WPF ships with a brand new “data engine” entirely based on LINQ. This means that all data operations including sorting, filtering, grouping, aggregating and paging will be pushed down to the IQueryProvider when RadGridView is bound to an IQueryable. For example if you are using LinqToSql, LinqToEntities or OpenAccess ORM all gird operations are executed on the SQL server using the magic of LINQ providers. Staying on the cutting edge I decide to try out PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) and enable RadGridView to execute its data operations on all available CPU cores. PLINQ...
    September 23, 2009
  • Productivity

    Using LinqPad with Telerik OpenAccess ORM

    LinqPad is a nice and popular query analyzer made to test LINQ queries: whether it is Linq To Sql, Linq to Objects or some other flavor, you will be able to play in a nice way with it. Sadly it does not support Telerik OpenAccess ORM out of the box. However we never said it is impossible – you just have to put some more pressure to it. So, the first step is of course to deploy Telerik OpenAccess ORM and LinqPad on your machine. Then do the following: a) Open LinqPad and press F4 to bring up the Advanced Query...
    July 23, 2009
  • Productivity Reporting

    Connecting the Dots: ADO.NET Data Services and Telerik Reporting

    ADO.NET Data Services (formerly Astoria) is one of the new technologies released as part of v3.5 SP1 of the .NET Framework. If you haven’t tried this new addition to the framework, I highly suggest you give it a spin. It’s very cool and allows you to quickly and easily set up RESTful WCF services with which your application can interact with the database. If you’re interested in learning more, MSDN has several great resources to help you get started. One of the cool things about Telerik is that the developers are always mindful of building products that can be easily integrated with existing and future...
    April 24, 2009
  • Productivity Document Processing

    Exporting data to Excel using the RadGridView for WinForms

         There usually comes a time for most developers when they need to use the data being displayed in an application, outside of that application.  There are obviously a number of ways you can present data, but it is common to leverage Microsoft Excel.  It provides a similar look and feel to the grid which means minimal reformatting, plus Excel is widely used and therefore most offices should have a version of the software available.       How to get your data into Excel?  The RadGridView offers a couple of options to accomplish this task.  First, you can use the Primary...
    January 27, 2009