Telerik blogs
  • Release

    What’s cooking for DevTools for .NET Q2 2013?

    Q1 is already behind our back and we took the time right after it to sit down and carefully think about our next steps. We were trying to answer questions like where we want to be in Q2, what the main customer scenarios are, how we can help our customers achieve those scenarios, how we can use our resources in the most efficient way, who we’re targeting, etc. As a result we outlined a comprehensive plan including tons of significant improvements and new features as well as major new initiatives that will take Telerik DevCraft to another level in Q2 2013.
    April 05, 2013
  • Productivity

    Amp Up Your Visual Studio Productivity

    Check out all the great new features in the Just family: You’ll learn about LESS support and improved handling of code analysis errors and warnings in JustCode, additional automocking power with JustMock, an enhanced Visual Studio experience in JustTrace, and the greatly improved decompilation and a new plugin manager in JustDecompile. This post from the Q1 2013 webinar includes the video, slide deck, and answers to questions asked by attendees.
    March 11, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    The Story Behind JustDecompile

    The latest version of JustDecompile is fast. Really fast.
    March 07, 2013
  • Productivity

    Lifesaving Tips for Developers

    Read Chris Eargle’s list of lifesaving tricks and tips for developers which may help you avoid losing your job or your project.
    February 08, 2013
  • People

    Developer Resolutions for 2013

    My friend and coworker Chris Eargle wrote a great post on some resolutions for the New Year.  It made me think about how lucky we were to avoid this particular apocalypse (along with all of the others that I've lived through in my 45 years), so I’ve come up with a few developer centric resolutions of my own.
    January 07, 2013
  • Release

    What’s cooking for DevTools for .NET Q2 2013?

    Q1 is already behind our back and we took the time right after it to sit down and carefully think about our next steps. We were trying to answer questions like where we want to be in Q2, what the main customer scenarios are, how we can help our customers achieve those scenarios, how we can use our resources in the most efficient way, who we’re targeting, etc. As a result we outlined a comprehensive plan including tons of significant improvements and new features as well as major new initiatives that will take Telerik DevCraft to another level in Q2 2013.
    April 05, 2013
  • Productivity

    Amp Up Your Visual Studio Productivity

    Check out all the great new features in the Just family: You’ll learn about LESS support and improved handling of code analysis errors and warnings in JustCode, additional automocking power with JustMock, an enhanced Visual Studio experience in JustTrace, and the greatly improved decompilation and a new plugin manager in JustDecompile. This post from the Q1 2013 webinar includes the video, slide deck, and answers to questions asked by attendees.
    March 11, 2013
  • Productivity Testing

    The Story Behind JustDecompile

    The latest version of JustDecompile is fast. Really fast.
    March 07, 2013
  • Productivity

    Lifesaving Tips for Developers

    Read Chris Eargle’s list of lifesaving tricks and tips for developers which may help you avoid losing your job or your project.
    February 08, 2013
  • People

    Developer Resolutions for 2013

    My friend and coworker Chris Eargle wrote a great post on some resolutions for the New Year.  It made me think about how lucky we were to avoid this particular apocalypse (along with all of the others that I've lived through in my 45 years), so I’ve come up with a few developer centric resolutions of my own.
    January 07, 2013