Telerik blogs
  • Release

    Changes in RadInput in Q2 2012 version of RadControls

    As you already know we have introduced new rendering model for RadInput in Q3 2011. It was later set as default mode in Q1 2012. The initial idea behind this change was to remove 2 of the input elements from the output HTML of the control and use a span that to overlay the visible one in order to show the formatted value. With this approach we really have fewer elements on the page and in the same time we could show, validate and submit different values. We also removed the table in order to provide better styling potential and boost...
    June 22, 2012

    Client-Side DataBinding with RadListView for ASP.NET AJAX - Part 1

    The Q1 2012 beta release is out the door and we have some exciting new improvements to brag about. Among everything else is a feature long waited for - client-side databinding for RadListView. In a series of blog posts, I will try to introduce you to the specifics of the client-side databinding with RadListView and give you some insight into the new client capabilities that you can leverage to build performant data bound UI on the client. We will start with a brief introduction to HTML templates, binding expressions and databinding API, we'll go down to databinding to web services and various data sources and will finish off...
    February 06, 2012

    RadAsyncUpload for ASP.NET AJAX Revisited

    File API and Drag and Drop RadAsyncUpload has undergone significant changes since it's initial release back in Q1 2010. With the advent of the HTML 5 FileAPI and the updates to the XMLHttpRequest object, it is now easier than ever to utilize AJAX mechanisms when uploading files, a practice that was hardly possible prior to that. As you may have expected, RadAsyncUpload is not lagging behind these concepts and since Q2 2011 it utilizes a FileAPI module, which is now the default one under FireFox 4.0+, Safari 5+ and Google Chrome and will be used by default in the upcoming IE10. The File API module provides all functionalities provided by the other modules (multiple...
    November 24, 2011

    Get Better Performing Input Fields in Your ASP.NET AJAX Apps

    As we are constantly trying to improve our controls, in Q3 2011 we are introducing new HTML rendering for Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Input control – single input rendering. First of all I should assure you that the old rendering is still available, so all your custom styles and complicated scenarios with RadInput will still work. Let’s check some of the advantages of the single input rendering mode comes with:  No table is used when having buttons and/or labels, which results in quicker rendering. Less HTML is rendered as a whole, which leads to less data transferred to the client. The control can show readable text when...
    November 18, 2011
  • Desktop

    When Should You Use Metro, Version 2

    A blog by Todd Anglin, Chief Evangelist at Telerik. (Original post here) During my busy week at the Microsoft BUILD conference, I cranked-out a quick and rough decision tree designed to help you decide which Microsoft platform you should use for app development:Silverlight/WPF, HTML5, or the new Metro/WinRT. The chart proved to be very popular, so I thought I'd revisit the decision tree and with the benefit of more time to reflect, produce a new, more complete version. Thus, I present version 2 of the "How to Pick Your Platform" chart. What's Different? In the original chart, the first question I made you answer was, "Do you need to support...
    September 21, 2011
  • Release

    Changes in RadInput in Q2 2012 version of RadControls

    As you already know we have introduced new rendering model for RadInput in Q3 2011. It was later set as default mode in Q1 2012. The initial idea behind this change was to remove 2 of the input elements from the output HTML of the control and use a span that to overlay the visible one in order to show the formatted value. With this approach we really have fewer elements on the page and in the same time we could show, validate and submit different values. We also removed the table in order to provide better styling potential and boost...
    June 22, 2012

    Client-Side DataBinding with RadListView for ASP.NET AJAX - Part 1

    The Q1 2012 beta release is out the door and we have some exciting new improvements to brag about. Among everything else is a feature long waited for - client-side databinding for RadListView. In a series of blog posts, I will try to introduce you to the specifics of the client-side databinding with RadListView and give you some insight into the new client capabilities that you can leverage to build performant data bound UI on the client. We will start with a brief introduction to HTML templates, binding expressions and databinding API, we'll go down to databinding to web services and various data sources and will finish off...
    February 06, 2012

    RadAsyncUpload for ASP.NET AJAX Revisited

    File API and Drag and Drop RadAsyncUpload has undergone significant changes since it's initial release back in Q1 2010. With the advent of the HTML 5 FileAPI and the updates to the XMLHttpRequest object, it is now easier than ever to utilize AJAX mechanisms when uploading files, a practice that was hardly possible prior to that. As you may have expected, RadAsyncUpload is not lagging behind these concepts and since Q2 2011 it utilizes a FileAPI module, which is now the default one under FireFox 4.0+, Safari 5+ and Google Chrome and will be used by default in the upcoming IE10. The File API module provides all functionalities provided by the other modules (multiple...
    November 24, 2011

    Get Better Performing Input Fields in Your ASP.NET AJAX Apps

    As we are constantly trying to improve our controls, in Q3 2011 we are introducing new HTML rendering for Telerik’s ASP.NET AJAX Input control – single input rendering. First of all I should assure you that the old rendering is still available, so all your custom styles and complicated scenarios with RadInput will still work. Let’s check some of the advantages of the single input rendering mode comes with:  No table is used when having buttons and/or labels, which results in quicker rendering. Less HTML is rendered as a whole, which leads to less data transferred to the client. The control can show readable text when...
    November 18, 2011
  • Desktop

    When Should You Use Metro, Version 2

    A blog by Todd Anglin, Chief Evangelist at Telerik. (Original post here) During my busy week at the Microsoft BUILD conference, I cranked-out a quick and rough decision tree designed to help you decide which Microsoft platform you should use for app development:Silverlight/WPF, HTML5, or the new Metro/WinRT. The chart proved to be very popular, so I thought I'd revisit the decision tree and with the benefit of more time to reflect, produce a new, more complete version. Thus, I present version 2 of the "How to Pick Your Platform" chart. What's Different? In the original chart, the first question I made you answer was, "Do you need to support...
    September 21, 2011